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For Sale: Aaton LTR 54; Super 16; PL Mount; No Video Tap

Asking: $10,500
Location: Brooklyn, New York
• x1 Aaton LTR 54, Super 16, PL Mount (Visual Products)
• x3 Magazines
• x2 Re-Celled Aaton Batteries (Du-All)
• x1 Battery Charger
• x1 Walnut Handle Grip
• x1 external rods (I have only used these once for a follow focus, they do not line up perfectly under the lens port since I believe I'm missing a piece)
• x1 Original metallic hard case

Hello! I'm looking to sell my Aaton LTR 54 which I purchased a little over a year ago. The camera is in good working condition and has been used at least once a month since I bought it last Summer in 2023. It was purchased from a retired LA-based DP who had inherited the camera from a friend's storage unit where it saw minimal use. He informed me he had it overhauled in 2022 with Visual Products which is also when he had the Super-16 conversion done. After I acquired it, I had the PL mount conversion done, also with Visual Products. Since buying the camera, I've probably shot at least 7,000 - 10,000 feet of film with it, as it was primarily used for a small-scale feature and has been used on various other indie projects. It continues to run smoothly providing a good, clean image. Most recently, about a few months ago, I had it serviced with Tyler Purcell in Los Angeles after a small documentary shoot.

I am providing photos of the camera as well as some stills from the project I shot this past fall (October 2024). The asking price is true to what I originally bought and have put into this Aaton. I'm unfamiliar with shipping/packaging this much gear so I would mostly be looking to sell to someone on the East Coast. I occasionally end up back home in the Los Angeles area so that would be another option. Please do not hesitate to contact/message me with any questions about the camera if you are interested. Please investigate as you need. Thank you.








Edited by Jinho Myung
  • Jinho Myung changed the title to Aaton LTR 54 | Super 16 with PL Mount | No Video Tap
  • 2 weeks later...

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