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These are some framegrabs from a film called 'Luster' which I shot in LA at the end of 2008. There has been an extremely protracted post process, but we're finally getting to color correction time, so I thought I'd post a few images up here.


Shot on a RED One, with Cooke S4s















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Very nice, Stu! Some more contrast than what I remember in the day interiors, but then again I haven't seen any of these for a year.:lol:


I remember we viewed most of the time in REC709 and you basically lit to that, with the occasional look at the raw image. Now that you're seeing finished images, do you feel that was the best approach?

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Well, Chris, these aren't exactly finished, but I think that was the right approach - light for the highest contrast end result, then you know that the RAW files have plenty more info in them if you need it.

We're in the grading process right now, and it's still a big learning curve. All of the RAW files viewed through Color look 1/2 to 1 stop darker than they do through RedRushes. It's not a huge problem for the grade, but it does make me wonder what the true speed of the camera was, as RedRushes would suggest 250-320asa, and Color is more like 160- 200asa. Still, on the whole, it was a positive experience, and I'm looking forward to shooting with the new RED sensors/cameras.

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Good stuff Stuart,


Got a quick question about the cyan color temperature in a couple of the frames, just wondering what your light set up/gels were to create this effect or maybe you did it in the grade? I know of using certain gels with tungsten sources like the Cyan 60 or Cosmetic aqua blue, but it'd be good to hear how you achieved it, as from what I can see it plays a big role in a few of these shots.


Really like it!

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The Day/Int shots were just timed a little bit blue. The Night/Int of the guy in the window was lit with 2 1k Rifalights with 1/2 ctb and white flame green on them. The last still of the guy sitting on the bed was just daylight coming through the blinds and the camera set to tungsten. I'm pretty sure that's how it looked straight out of the camera.

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  • 3 years later...

Bit of a blast from the past, but this movie, LUSTER, just got a release in the US (and the rest of the world, I think). I wasn't present at the final color timing, and there are some things that I'm not 100% happy with. Hopefully it will enjoy a little success on the DVD market.

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