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All NEW Australian Spy/Thriller

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Just letting you all know about a brand new spy/thriller feature film coming out of Australia. We're currently in the 'final' stages of Pre-Production, and we're due to start filming early 2013 in a number of overseas locations as well as quite a few within Australia too.


We've already secured our main cast, and are just finishing up the final castings for extra roles etc. However we are still trying to nail down our final production crew, so if anyone's interested then leave a comment below or contact us through our websites listed below. For those interested in what equipment we're using for the film, we've already purchased a Sony PMW-F3, along with a heap of other gear (but I won't ramble on about that...). Here's a photo of the camera.




If you're interested in seeing what's going on behind the scenes, then cruise by our production blog at www.thoughtbasement.com

or come by and like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/thoughtbasement



We really need as much support behind us as possible before we launch into our production phase, so share this around and let us know what you think so far.



Synopsis (as much as I can give you):


When ASIS field agent David Bateman (Korum Ellis) and "white hat" hacker Kate Bennet (Jessica Hegarty) stumble upon a government conspiracy whilst operating overseas, they are forced into a deadly game of cat and mouse as their lives spiral deeper into the underground workings of their own agency.



Edited by Rex Bracken
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Sounds great Rex - good luck with it and please keep us updated on your progress.


The only suggestions I'd make by way of constructive criticism is:


- Have a good think about that title - the first thing it made me think about it is "Subdivision" - the film that tanked a few years ago ~ you don't want to be mistaken for that

- Was the teaser shot with the same camera as the final film will be? It seemed a bit "videoey" to me - this is an entirely subjective thing though, and maybe the look you're after - but if not make sure you work hard at the post production and film look of it


Anyway good luck and keep us posted :-)



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