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Cinematographer's first Showreel - what stays and what goes?

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I am a cinematography student in my third and last year of studying. Thus far I have shot a handful of short films (3 of which may be considered noteworthy) as well as various short documentary videos such as interviews, musical performances, a music video, etc.


I am applying for an 18 month internship at a television network in Germany and I am required to send in a DVD containing some of the work that I've done.


My understanding of a showreel is that it is a short sequence displaying your work. This is where my enquiry comes in - how long/short should it generally be? Is there specific pacing of such a video sequence? Is there any type of music that works specifically well with showreels?


Any input would be appreciated with regards to this topic.

Stephan Güldenpfennig

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A few minutes. People tend to prefer complete scenes as opposed to a montage, but if you've not done much, it may be difficult to find complete scenes you're happy with, and a montage to music may be your only option. Exactly how you do that will depend on what material you have available, its style and tone, etc.


I wouldn't necessarily expect to actually shoot anything as part of an internship, though anything seems to go these days...



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