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ALEXA: peaking only MON OUT not REC OUT ?

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with the later software updates it seems to be impossible to have peaking ONLY on the MON out and NOT on MON out and REC out at the same time.

Does anyone know how to bypass this?

It can be quite annoying when directors and clients have peaking on the monitors but still pretty helpful for focus pulling to have it on the onboard monitor....



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If you're running your REC OUT as a MON OUT clone, it literally gives you exactly what you see through MON OUT including peaking etc.


Clean REC OUT is only available in HD; in 2k you must either have the duo for external/raw recording or you are forced to have a Mon Out clone.


Even in HD, clean REC OUT won't have frame lines etc.


Therefore, your best bet is to run an external monitor that has it's own peaking, and not use the Alexa's in-built peaking.

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