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The Digital PT30 Head pans and tilts your film or video camera smooth and accurately by proportional joystick control. Use on Jib Arms, remote mounts, or tripod mounted and run 2 cameras with 1operator. Unlimited uses.

12 VOLT POWER -Comes standard with 12 volt AC transformer, and easily accepts 12 or 24 volt battery power through 4 pin XLR connector. (fits most battery belts)

HIGH TORQUE D/C GEAR MOTORS - The highest quality Maxon coreless motors are used on the PT30. Additional motors available at gear ratios to 3000:1 for movement so slow it can't be seen. We can supply motors in different ratios for only $15 per axis, or order more for different applications. (Additional Motors at $224.00 per axis)

30 POUND CAPACITY -Our most powerful and strongest head can handle your largest or smallest camera.

JOYSTICK CONTROLLED - Proportionally controlled from top quality joystick mounted directly in the control unit.

20 FOOT CABLE - Cables come standard at 20 feet. (Up to 15' Additional cable added at manufacture only$ 2.50 per foot)



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