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Test Roll Exposure and Film Stock Questions

Chris Schade

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So I have shot my first test roll of super 8 film. The stock was Kodak TRI X revisal film. For most shots I used the auto exposure, then exposed manually with the goal of slightly over exposing. It seems to have come out well although most of my manually exposed shots seem over exposed. Additionally, some of the auto exposed shots lack detail in the highlights. The manual lists it as being able to read the following speeds and I noticed that they don't really line up with current film stocks.

Tungsten: ASAs 25, 40, 64, 100, 160, 250, 400

Daylight: ASAs 16, 25, 40, 64, 100, 160, 200

Do I need to compensate for what the meter is telling me when using an ASA not listed in the manual?

My main question is based on the test roll is my meter working properly or not?

Link for test roll:

Note i did a standard def scan since this was a test roll.

On another note:

I will be going on a trip to Baja and am planning on shooting super 8 while I am there. The goal is to shoot some surfing along with generally adventuring and sightseeing. Given the bright sunlight should I just go with Kodak 50D film stock or get a mix of 50D and 200T for versatility?



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