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client question

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This is a sensitive post, no names will be used, only " client " and " talent "......


I produced a video for a " client " in August. The " talent " highlighted for the video for I was just told today hasn't ever seen the finished work. I was told when the " client " hired me, the video was for talents family, so thought nothing of it, except please the client.


I was at a funeral today for a family member, in attendance was the sister of the " talent "...I was told by the family member of the talent how upset they were that the client hasn't shared the video with them.


My question is, should I sent the talent the video I have or steer clear ??

I have spoken with the talent, as we are related through marriage turns out, but I also know to respect the client who paid me, regardless of how any feels.....



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I am on the " talents " email list, as we are related through marriage, he knows my family a bit.

He has never asked for the video directly, but his relatives I just happen to run into and they said they were upset they hadn't seen it....I thought I'd send the talent a link, keeping it private for his use only.....

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Not sure if you've gone through with it already, but try to keep the verbal exchange and file exchange done through non-archived methods to ensure it doesn't get back to you. I might sound like the CIA or something but I'm not sure of the lightness or severity of the situation.

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