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Canon C300M3 AVC vs. RAW

Arnold Finkelstein

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Lookking for thoughts from other C300M3 users about shooting in RAW.  We are about to start a new doc and we wish to improve our look.  We are thinking of going to the RED or Arri, but we are currently equipped with C300M3's and wish to know how much better, if at all, Canon's RAW is over AVC.

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I've looked at other's videos online and I love the look that is possible with the C300MK3 shooting CLog2. Some commenters have said that the CLog2 footage from the C300MK3 is close to Arri Alexa quality because of the dual gain output (DGO) sensor which is similar in principle to Arri's sensor, giving a wider dynamic range. I've found that CLog2 can give a look similar to film (a look I like). More information is available in the shadow areas in CLog2 if exposed properly.

Regarding the look specifically of RAW on the Canon C300MK3 here's a video that might interest you. It discusses the look of RAW vs XF-AVC. There's other good videos I've found.


Edited by Jon O'Brien
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