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Jean-Louis Seguin

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    Montreal, Canada
  • Specialties
    Profession: Motion Picture Camera Technician

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  1. You can also order them here: rcsclassic16mm.com JL
  2. It’s not possible. Only the bayonet versions work on the SBM. Many other non-Bolex zooms will work fine. JL
  3. AZSpectrum still has this modification on their website. No price is mentioned. You’ll have to contact them to find out. JL
  4. Your camera is missing the whole rear cover plate which contains all the electronics necessary to power the motor. You’ll need to find an Arriflex expert who is very familiar with this model camera in order to get it going.
  5. Show us some pictures.
  6. A lens properly collimated for a film camera cannot at the same time be properly collimated for a digital camera with a thick filter stack in front of the sensor. This is especially critical with very short focal length lenses. Have your lens adjusted to the camera you are using.
  7. Contact these people: https://therangefinder.com He might have one for sale. JL
  8. It’s made by CAPLUGS and its part number is RCL-20. I have a whole box of them somewhere if I can find them.
  9. The eyepiece adjustment on the RX-1 is a simple rack and pinion arrangement. Either the pinion is disconnected from the rack or the teeth on the pinion gear are broken.
  10. It is unique to this camera and very hard to find in good condition. One solution is to have the camera modified with an XLR power input.
  11. The focusing ring set screws are special dog-type set screws and they can only go in specific predrilled holes in the underlying ring. Never overtighten.
  12. The 50mm and the 75mm are lenses than work on both the Arriflex 35mm and 16mm cameras, so there’s no problem at all with these. If the 25mm is the f/1.4, it should be OK. The 10mm is the one to check very carefully. Most Arri cameras have an inching knob so you can slowly turn the shutter by hand to see if it obstructs the lens. Make sure the lens is set to infinity. JL
  13. In the user’s manual for the 16BL, it states which lenses are OK to use with it. If it’s not on the list, it’s no good. I know some really old lenses like the 25mm f/1.5 , the 16mm f/1.9 and the very early 10mm before 1967 do not work as they would touch the mirror.
  14. You can order one from Rafcamera
  15. When used on a BMPCC, the Macro-Switar 36mm f/1.4 H8RX has a focusing range between approx. 6” and 30”, so macro only.
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