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James Beilharz

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Posts posted by James Beilharz

  1. I'm shooting a short (30min) thriller later this year. The style will be a mixture of handheld jumpy and picturesque statics. A big influence is Antichrist (shot on RED&Phantom). A lot of the film will be in low light and in a small cabin location.


    I'm searching for a camera that will the best option. At the moment there are 3 on the list

    • Sony EX3 + Letus and Primes
      Red One + Zeiss Primes
      Canon 7d


    Most people know their pro and cons.

    With the Canon I would be able to purchase the camera rather than renting.

    The final film will be mostly sent to film festivals and output must comply to DVD/Tape requirements of festivals.


    Any opinions and advice would be appreciated.

  2. I thought it was a great film and definitely a welcomed departure from 'Death Proof'. The film references particularly the German ones were fun to see and true Tarantino style to set most of the film in a cinema.

    The fictitious nature of the film was done well by mixing some real people and situations into the film.

  3. I think that audiences observe the digital formats in the context of story and some times digital isn't the right choice for the story. In Public Enemies this was definitely the case. It shouldn't just be about logistics and money especially for bigger productions like Public Enemies. The format should be decided on a film by film basis. Also Digital is constantly changing with technology.

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