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Victor Lopes

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Posts posted by Victor Lopes

  1. Thanks Stephen! This is great. Like you said ambient readings are straight forward. I looked online for zone system metering a found some good stuff. The only trouble I see is there are no videos on the zone system for film/video. I would like to see how you would put this into practice on set. Any ideas?

  2. Hello, I just finished helping a friend of mine with a shoot and the DP on set had two tools with him. One being a light meter and the other one I couldn't figure out what it could be. He would take a reading with the light meter then he would take this tool out of his pocket and a green light would flash and then he would look at it, then adjust the film camera. I thought it could be a pocket camera but I have never seen it before. Just looking to see if anyone knows what this might be.



  3. I wanted to know is there any good lighting resource material that anyone would recommend? I know that experience is the best teacher. I'm looking for books or videos to show how to manipulate light to get the look that a director is looking for?



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