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  1. I haven't watched it, but from what I gather they would use remote control drones for target practice in WW2...but am not exactly sure. These are screen shots from the seller of the film. The goddamn 'pay by the second' stock footage people would have loved to get this one. They are always pestering me after I beat them out of a film on eBay. They write me or have the eBay seller write me to offer 'free scans' if I will sign away rights to them to sell it...by the second. **(obscenity removed)** them! I hate stock footage people. Sure, we need them to see some of history. But you can only see it...if you pay by the second. Stock footage people make films unaffordable for the average Jane, Joe or zir to buy. I always enjoy telling them NO, I am not interested. If they were not in it for the $, then sure they can have a film to scan for free. Or if I had a decent scanner, I'd give them a 4K scan for free. Money and profit have nothing to do with my work. But I check them out thoroughly to make sure they are not in it for the $$. The only time money enters the picture with me is when I ask myself if I have enough money to do a project or acquire something. In any case, I still would never give a film to someone to scan without a big deposit. Or they would have to prepay for me getting a high-grade timed 4K scan from a commercial scanner. I've dealt with tons of people over the years. People are getting worse when it comes to honesty and ethics, not better. Now, it is not like I'm some sort of purist that thinks money and profit is evil. Money is stored energy. You need money to operate. But chasing profit can destroy the spirit. Like is short and I'm old. Consequently, I only like to work on projects I want to. I don't want to be working on crappy projects other people want me to work on just for $$. I did plenty of that work when I was younger. Thoreau sums it up... "Trade curses everything it handles; and though you trade in messages from heaven, the whole curse of trade attaches to the business." This film also insirped me to figure out a way to distinguish important films in the archive. I printed up a bunch of 5 star red labels and can see them easily now. I used to use a piece of red artists tape, but I like the red stars better. <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  2. Teradek Bolt 4K 1500 Kit Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing. Link : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/teradek-4k-deluxe-kit/ Teradek Package Includes Teradek Bolt 4K 1500 RX Teradek Bolt 4K 1500 TX Gold Mount Battery Plates Panel Array Antennas (various) Custom case
  3. I'm generally not into 35mm...too bulky and too $$. But recently someone had a small lot of 35mm home movies shot in Ireland from 1915 - late 1920's for sale. I could not afford most of them, but I did pick up one short from the collection; about a tourist group to the Blarney stone in 1928. The other films were similar in size and some of them were about early steam trains in Ireland. Tour groups still go to the Blarney stone to kiss the stone for the 'gift of gab.' The print looks to be a safety film dupe of the original nitrate...but just guessing. You can use the scan of the film for your website / experimentation / education / advertising / etc. Just no stock footage sales. I'll be glad to pay shipping both ways and would like a 4K scan. ProRes is OK. Here are some details on it... more people.... I kissed the old Blarney stone a few times. I used to go to Europe a lot back in the 1990's. I would go off-season in the winter. I could RT air for $229 - $299 for most European cities. Hotels were cheap in the off season too. This was before the internet was a big deal and all the kids were not overloading planes trying to buy experiences. Travel was cheap back then and you were not packed like sushi! GD...those were the days! I was headed to Hong Kong from Taiwan and 85% of the plane was empty. You could raise the arms of the seats and lie down on whole empty rows. Monsoon Thailand 1982 Photo: D.D.Teoli Jr. Don't travel much now. Health is so-so and too $. So, I travel with the film archive nowadays. I got plenty of travel back in the day, so not hurting. If interested write me direct at: w1000w@aol.com Here is seller's description... VERY RARE HISTORIC FOOTAGE ACTUAL 35MM FILM FOOTAGE, DEPICTING THE RAILROAD DEPOT / STATION IN BLARNEY, IRELAND, AND THE KISSING OF THE BLARNEY STONE, THERE ARE SOME GREAT SCENES, FILM IS MARKED IRELAND 1928 KISSING THE BLARNEY THE FOOTAGE IS SILENT. THE IMAGES ARE QUITE SHARP AND VERY WELL TAKEN, AS GOOD AN AMATEUR AS BEST AVAILABLE FOR THOSE DAYS, IT COMES IN A COUPLE OF STRIPS OF DIFFERENT LENGTHS, IT HAS A FEW SPLICES, ALL IN GOOD OVERALL CONDITION! SOME OF THE FILM HAS A YELLOWISH / ORANGE HUE BUT THE IMAGES ARE IN VERY GOOD CONDITION OVERALL. THE FILM DOES HOLD THE POSSIBILITY OF GETTING SOME NICE STILL PHOTOS FROM SOME OF THE IMAGES. THERE ARE MANY WONDERFUL SCENES, MANY OF THEM SHARP AND WELL TAKEN, SOME CLOSE-UP SHOTS AS WELL! MOST OF THE FILM IS SOLID AND IN VERY GOOD CONDITION OVERALL, BUT DUE TO AGE CAREFUL HANDLING IS STILL A MUST FOR THE ENTIRE FILM IN ORDER TO VIEW IT AND PRESERVE THE IMAGES! BASED ON THE SIZE OF THE ROLL, I ESTIMATE THE TOTAL RUNNING TIME OF THE CLIPS TO BE ABOUT 3-4 MINUTES OR SO RUNNING AT 18 FPS, EVEN THOUGH DID NOT COUNT THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF FRAMES.
  4. All Photos: Internet - Fair Use ...no upgrade for the Retroscan Universal 2K model, 4K just fits the newer models. Other upgrades are also offered. moviestuff_home_page If they ever put an optical sound reader on the 4K Retroscan, maybe they will have something! As the newer 4K models become widespread, there may be an opportunity for the low budget archivist to pick up the less desirable, lower res 2K Universal Retroscan scanner on the cheap.
  5. I bought a used LG 4K computer monitor someone was selling. It uses a special cable for 4K. The cable looks kinda like a HDMI cable, but it is a little different. There is a port on the computer for the 4K and the HDMI. When I plug in my regular monitor, which uses a HDMI cable, it shuts off the 4K monitor. Is there a trick to getting them to run at the same time? Thanks
  6. Arri Alexa 4k Super 35 Alexa 35 Production Set (19mm Studio) $76,500 PRE-ORDER NOW omar@raw-entertainment.com Includes: K1.0039373 1x ALEXA 35 camera body 10.0043678 1x ALEXA 35 Cine License K2.0018983 1x ARRI LPL Mount (LBUS) K2.0016936 1x ARRI PL-to-LPL Adapter K2.0034180 1x Balance Utility Dovetail BUD-1 K2.0023751 1x B-Mount Battery Adapter K2.0020916 1x Multi Viewfinder MVF-2 K2.0042857 2x Cable VF Right Angle (0.5m/1.5ft) K2.75007.0 1x Camera Power Cable Straight 2m/6.6in KC -50 K2.0024101 1x Power Distribution Module PDM-1 KK.0041533 1x Production Support Set - Top KK.0041534 1x Production Support Set - Side KK.0041535 1x Production Support Set - Bottom Note: This set does not include recording media, media dock/reader, batteries, or lenses, which should be ordered separately. Omar Alarian COO / Film Producer IMDB: www.imdb.com/name/nm7440967/ Raw Entertainment www.raw-entertainment.com Email: omar@raw-entertainment.com E27329C5-B144-4B8F-8BA2-A213AD3A3BAD.webp
  7. Arri Alexa 4k Super 35 Alexa 35 Production Set (19mm Studio) $76,500 PRE-ORDER NOW omar@raw-entertainment.com Includes: K1.0039373 1x ALEXA 35 camera body 10.0043678 1x ALEXA 35 Cine License K2.0018983 1x ARRI LPL Mount (LBUS) K2.0016936 1x ARRI PL-to-LPL Adapter K2.0034180 1x Balance Utility Dovetail BUD-1 K2.0023751 1x B-Mount Battery Adapter K2.0020916 1x Multi Viewfinder MVF-2 K2.0042857 2x Cable VF Right Angle (0.5m/1.5ft) K2.75007.0 1x Camera Power Cable Straight 2m/6.6in KC -50 K2.0024101 1x Power Distribution Module PDM-1 KK.0041533 1x Production Support Set - Top KK.0041534 1x Production Support Set - Side KK.0041535 1x Production Support Set - Bottom Note: This set does not include recording media, media dock/reader, batteries, or lenses, which should be ordered separately. Omar Alarian COO / Film Producer IMDB: www.imdb.com/name/nm7440967/ Raw Entertainment www.raw-entertainment.com Email: omar@raw-entertainment.com Youtube Channel: youtube.com/c/RAWegypt Instagram: instagram.com/rawegypt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Latest Feature Film Trailer Welad Rizk: youtu.be/KbuuzxTxhP4 F991CEDC-69E7-485F-98A4-FF1B65050663.webp
  8. Hi, lens set in MINT condition, used only a few times. 20mm T2.0 25mm T2.0 35mm T2.0 50mm T2.0 85mm T2.0 135mm T2.0 PELI case for free photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/steTvLZAidnRUQRUA Lenses are located in Slovak Republic, I sale within EU. Price: 8000€ ex VAT + shipping
  9. 1 - Arri AMIRA Premium Camera Set with 4K license $27,000.00 Under 400 Hours Includes: 1- Arri PL LDS Lens Mount 1 - Arri Gold Mount Battery Adapter for AMIRA 1 - Arri Wedge Plate Adapter WPA-1 1 - Arri Microphone Holder Bracket MHB-1 1 - Arri AMIRA Viewfinder Cable Short (0.5m, 1.6 feet) 1 -Lexar 256GB CFast Cards 2- Lexar 118GB CFast Cards 1- CFast Card Reader 1- Porta-Brace Custom Rain Cover For Amira 1-Jason Case For Amira (Pelican 1610) Items Available For Additional Cost 1- Arri EF LDS Lens Mount 6- Core SWX 98wh Batteries 1-Anton Bauer Gold Mount Quad Battery Charger
  10. It was with Vision Research for an overhaul and check recently. $95,000.00 USD Trade description of goods Serial Number VR Phantom Flex 4K 128GB w PL mount 19910 2TB CINEMAG IV 1/2 19911 2TB CINEMAG IV 2/2 19912 Vision Research Cinestation IV 19913 Vision Research Ethernet to Fischer Camera Cable 1/2 245126160043 Vision Research Ethernet to Fischer Camera Cable 2/2 245126160001 Vision Research 3-Pin XLR to Fischer Power Cable 245126460037 Cat 6a Ethernet Cable x 2 N/A Vision Research Additional Shims Kit N/A CineStation AC/DC Adapter EB57J49697 Flex 4K Camera AC/DC Adapter EB57J05923 Vision Research Minibob Sync Capture Signal Breakout N/A Blueshape V-Lok Battery Plate [mounted on camera] S0059435 SANLink2 Thunderbolt 2 to Ethernet Adapter SQ0067018459 SANLink2 AC/DC Adapter P35B16759200075
  11. For Sale : Arri Amira 4K Premium Camera Package Price:$28,000.00. (NEW CONDITION) 124 Hours. Warranty until 1/15/2021. Like new condition. Includes PL Mount, V-Lock Battery Adapter and Base Plate
  12. Hello, When would be a use to film in 4K DCI or 2K DCI (1.90:1)? I apologies if this seems like a obvious answer but I have found a obvious answer and thought It’d be best to ask experienced Camera Crew. Thank you for your time.
  13. For Sale : Arri Amira 4K Premium Camera Package Price:$37,000.00. 124 Hours. Warranty until 1/15/2021. Like new condition. Includes PL Mount, V-Lock Battery Adapter and Base Plate
  14. Hey everyone, This might be a question that exposes my ignorance, but recently I was asked if I could grade a 30 minute documentary for someone. I happen to do a lot of color correction for my job as well as just for fun when I want to mess around in Resolve, so I was confident that I could do what the director was asking for (she said she wants it to look true to life, so mostly just primary corrections it sounds like). Then she told me that the footage was V-Log 4K shot on the Panasonic EVA1 and asked if I have a 4K monitor, which I don't. What I do have is an IPS 1920x1200 monitor, specifically a ProArt ASUS PA248Q, and a ColorMunki. I have graded C100, FS5ii, GH4, and even downscaled RED footage on this monitor with good results, but because she specifically asked if my monitor is 4K, I'm beginning to wonder if maybe my monitor wouldn't be accurate enough for her project. As far as I know, the only problems I would have are judging sharpness and noise, but as far as color goes it should be fairly accurate regardless of my monitor's resolution as long as I calibrate properly, right? Or is there something I'm missing here? I'd love to help with her project, but I also don't want to waste her time. What do you guys think?
  15. Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. For Sale : Arri Amira Premium 4K Package Full Manufacturers Warranty until 4/2020 Includes: EVF, Arri Shoulder Baseplate, PL Mount In new conditionHours - 159
  16. Hi all, I recently had a conversation with a friend about industry trend, that’s when I noticed how many new trends we are experiencing now; large format, high resolution, rise of Indy productions etc. My question is, what do you think will be the next big thing that sticks in the industry? Large format,high resolution, high frame rate, vfx (I know vfx is here to stay, what I mean here is if it will takeover traditional cinematography), smaller crew/production/budget films, virtual reality/360 video or any other thing I couldn’t think of. And why? Keep it to existing technology please. Jing
  17. Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. For Sale : Phantom Flex 4K 64 GB Package Approx. 300 hours on the camera. Camera Body (64gb PL Mount) Riser Block w 15mm LW (has hole pattern to suit ARRI Bridge plate) Mini BOB (Breakout) 2 x 1TB Cinemag 1 x Cinestation 2 x Battery Cable 2 x Ethernet Control Cable 1 x Mains Power Supply 1 x Sanlink Thunderbolt 10gb Ethernet Adapter Seance Flex 4K license
  18. Please email sales@brodcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. For Sale:CINEMA LENSES: Hawk V-Series Anamorphic Set Includes: 30/35/40/50/60/75/100mm JUST LISTEDHawk V-Series Amamorphic 46-230mm Zoom Lens JUST LISTEDCooke S5/i Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50/65/75/100mm Ft.Cooke S4 Set Includes: 14/18/21/25/27/32/40/50/75/100/135mm JUST LISTEDCooke S4/i Set Includes: 18/25/32/50/75/100mm Ft.Cooke Speed Panchro Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50/75/100mm TLS Cooke Speed Panchro Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50/75/100mm P&S Cooke Speed Panchro Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50mmCanon CN-E 50-1000mm Zoom PL Lens Canon CN-E 30-300 Lens PLCanon CN-E 14.5-60mm Zoom Lens Canon 17-120mm Zoom PL Lens Leica Thalia Set Includes: 30/35/45/70/100mm PRICE REDUCEDLeica Summicron-C Set Includes: 18/21/25/29/35/50/75/100/135mm PRICE REDUCEDLeica Summicron-C Set Included: 18/25/35/50/75/100mm PRICE REDUCEDZeiss Super Speed MK3 Set: 18/25/35/50/85mm JUST LISTED(Coated & Uncoated Front Elements For Each Focal Length) Zeiss CP2 15mm T2.9 EF Mount JUST LISTEDZeiss CP2 Lens Set Includes: 18/25/35/50/85mm PL & EF Mounts & Case MetricZeiss LightWeight Zoom LWZ.3 21-100mm/ T2.9 PL/EF Mount JUST LISTEDAngenieux Anamorphic 30-72mm Zoom Lens PRICE REDUCEDAngenieux Anamorphic 56-152mm Zoom LensAngenieux Optimo 24-290mm Zoom Lens Qty.-3 Available Angenieux Optimo 45-120mm Zoom Lens Angenieux Optimo 28-76mm Zoom LensAngenieux Optimo DP 30-80mm Zoom LensAngenieux Optimo DP 16-42mm Zoom Lens Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime Set Includes: 16/24/32/40/50/65/85/100mm Ft.Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime LDS Set Includes: 16/20/24/28/32/40/50/65/85/100/135mm Ft. Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime LDS Set Includes: 14/16/20/24/32/40/50/65/85/100/135/180mm MetricArri Alura 18-80mm Zoom Lens Ft. Fujinon Cabrio 19-90mm V2 Zoom Lens Red 18-150mm T3.0 Zoom LensCAMERAS:Arri Alexa LF Camera Package PRICE REDUCEDArri Alexa Mini Camera PackageArri Amira Package Premium License With Full Warranty 66 Hours Includes: MVF-1, PL LDS Lens Mount, WPA-1 Wedge Plate Adapter, V-Lock Battery AdapterArri Amira Camera Package Hours-250 Arri Alexa XT Studio Camera PackageArri Alexa XT Camera PackageArri Alexa Studio Camera PackageArri Alexa Plus 4:3 Camera Package Arri Alexa EV Camera Package Phantom Flex 4K 128GB Package Phantom Flex 4K 64GB Package Phantom Miro 320S Camera Package Canon EOS C700 FF Camera Packages Qty.-2 Available Canon EOS C500 EF & PL Mount Qty.-2 AvailableSony F55 Camera PackageSony PMW-F5 w/4K upgrade Low Hours Qty.-2 Available Sony HSC 100 Camera Chains Qty.-3 Available Red DSMC2 MONSTRO 8K VV (Woven Carbon Fiber) Camera Package JUST LISTED New Condition Only 25 hoursMISCELLANEOUS: Teradek Bolt 500 Transmitter/Receiver & Accessories NEWS16/35mm FILM CAMERAS: ArriFlex SR3 High Speed Advanced Film KitArri 435 4 Perf KitArri 535B 4 Perf KitArri 235 4 Perf KitFILM AKS:Arri SR3 24V Battery ChargerArri SR2 400' Mags Qty.-2S16 FILM LENSES: Zeiss S16 SS Set Includes: 9.5/12/16/25mmCooke SK4 S16 Lens 6mm Cooke SK4 S16 Lens 9.5mm Cooke SK4 S16 Lens 12mm Zeiss S16 High Speed 9.5 T1.3 MKIII Looking For : (Preowned) To Purchase Zeiss S16mm SS Lens Set Canon S16 8-64mmArri 416 Film Kits Arricam LT Film Kits Aaton Minima Kits Aaton XTR Prod Kits Sony HDW-D1800 Decks
  19. CAMERA IS NEW IT HAS ONLY 15HRS OF OPERATIING TIME, IT COMES WITH ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES. CAMERA 1 ARRI Alexa LF Camera Body with LPL Lens Mount & Cap 1 ARRI Top Camera Center Handle CCH-4 1 EVF Electronic Viewfinder for Alexa 1 EVF Mounting Bracket 1 EVF Extension Bracket 1 ARRI BP-13 Bridge Plate 15mm Sliding Baseplate 1 ARRI Dovetail For Sliding Baseplate 12" Inch 2 15mm rods 10 Inch MEDIA 1 SxR Adapter for Alexa 1 SxS Adapter for Alexa 2 SxR Capture Drives 2TB w/ Cases 1 SXR Card Reader Codex 1 Cable: Thunderbolt 1 Cable: Card Reader to AC Power 1 SanDisk 64GB SD Card CABLES 1 EVF Cable (KC 150-S) 1 ARRI 4-PIN XLR to 2-PIN LEMO 12V Cable -3ft 1 24V 3-PIN XLR to @ PIN FISCHER Cable - 10ft AC POWER 1 XLR 3pin to AC Power Box Cameo 24V/220W LENS ADAPTER 1 Lens Adapter LPL to PL Mount ARRI WIRELESS RECEIVER SET 1 Arri WVR-1 1 Arri MIA-1 Bracket 1 Cable: USB to Micro USB 1 Cable: Power Box to 3pin female 1 Cable: 2pin to Edison
10 Antenna Rx TX for Alexa LF & Receiver BATTERY ADAPTERS Wooden Camera 24V Sharkfin battery bracket for Alexa LF (V-Mount) ARRI LF CASE Case for ARRI ALEXA LF FILTERS Arri Alexa SFND Filters full set with case. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. Email- seebeyondusa@gmail.com NOTE: THE LENS IN THE PICTURES IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE BUNDLE
  20. Camera is in excellent condition and looks fantastic its like new. Has only 22 hours of runtime on it. I am adding all the attachments and accessories which comes with the camera bundle. Items Included: CAMERA & ATTACHMENTS PHANTOM FLEX 4K CAMERA BODY 128GB With Gold Mount Plate PL Mount for Phantom Center Handle Sturdy Pelican Case for camera and accessories The Cameo PCU2+ Control Unit for Phantom Camera Hours on the camera - 22hr 15min Media 2- Cine Mag IV Drive 2TB PHANTOM FLEX 4K CINEMAG IV 2TB W/ PROTECTIVE SLEEVE Camera MOUNTS PL MOUNT FOR PHANTOM CANON MOUNT FOR PHANTOM POWER Phantom camera Compatible Power with XLR cable Phantom Electronic View Finder EVF Cable View finder Adapter Cine station Cine station Compatible power supply Cine station IV Cine Mag reader 10GE Dual Port Card Chassis over Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt to ESATA Hub Phantom GLUE TOOLS and PCC software We purchased this PHANTOM FLEX 4K bundle for $140,000. And it was like new. Our offer price for Phantom high speed camera is $105,000. We are open for best offers. For more information about the camera please contact to my email Seebeyond Dinesh email - seebeyondusa@gmail.com NOTE: LENS, MONITOR AND TERADEK UNIT IN PICTURES IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS BUNDLE
  21. WTB Arri Amira Premium 4K Package Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com with pricing and details.
  22. One of my most awaited films of this year, Ang Lee's Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk shot by John Toll (starring Steve Martin, Garrett Hedlund, Kristen Stewart, etc) in a super experimental 4K 3D 120 fps. They apparently showed footage at NAB in the format, but only showed it in 24 fps at Cinemacon. Great article about it: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/behind-screen/nab-ang-lees-pushing-envelope-880076 Apparently, they're planning on using 120 fps especially for the war sequences making it an incredibly vivid experience. Practically no theater though can project it the way it's intended to be seen right now, they had to watch the dailies on set at 2K 60 fps, and probably very few people will be able to experience the film at this framerate, resolution and in 3D, but it sounds absolutely super interesting. Anyone seen the footage?
  23. Good afternoon everyone, I have a run & gun gig coming up in the foreseeable future for which I'd like to give the new BMPCC 4K a shot (I don't technically own one yet, but hopefully will reasonably soon). Due to the job's specific nature, I will require an extremely lightweight and portable setup. I've done similar work in the past and always suffered from having to work with primes (both in terms of weight and overall practicality), so this time I decided I'd rather stick with a single zoom for the entirety of the shoot. On a full-frame camera I would probably just opt for the Sigma 18-35 f1.8, but being the new BM Pocket M4/3, I don't think that would give me enough range to handle a broad enough variety of situations. I've done a little bit of research for suitable options and found that quite a few people seem to be praising the Olympus 12-40 f2.8 M.Zuiko PRO as a good one for video. Has anyone here had any experience with it? Or would you know of any interesting alternative covering the same/similar range (24-80 equivalent)? I've also read that a few people appear to be very happy with C-mount vintage options, such as the Angenieux 12-120mm f2/2 (amazing range and constant aperture) but it weights a ton and the whole point is to retain flexibility while shooting. Also another set of issues that I've had with vintage Angenieux in the past has included very noticeable chromatic aberrations, heavy breathing and vignetting (all things that I would want to avoid for this project). However, if you're aware of any vintage lens that might fit the bill I'd be more than open to consider it. Please let me know if you have any recommendations for me, as I could gladly use some. Wish you all a lovely rest of your day and thank you for having taken the time Best, Filippo
  24. Hi. I am selling my Arri Amira. Its my personal camera and i am the first only owner / operator. I used it only my music video works (www.erginozturk.com) Its in EXCELLENT condition (both technical and cosmetics). Never rented. Used only by me! Total hours of operation: 235h Premium package with UHD 4K Price: 35.000 USD Pıctures of camera and accesories. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ah3jwc1dc7luo22/AAD4VJTFzCv-sxztBNuVkKyWa?dl=0 List of accesories included. K0.0001092 AMIRA Camera Set with Premium License K1.71700.0 Amira camera body,camera handle,viewfinder mount,viewfinder cables,usb stick K2.75004.0 AMIRA Viewfinder MVF-1 K2.75000.0 Wedge Plate Adapter WPA-1 K2.0001208 CFast 2.0 Card 60 GB (2pcs) CFast 2.0 Card 120 GB (2pcs) K2.0001242 CFast 2.0 Card Reader (2pcs) K2.75005.0 Microphone Holder Bracket MHB-2 K2.75001.0 Gold Mount Battery Adapter K2.75003.0 PL Lens Mount K2.0000399 Quick Release Plate QRP1 K2.75002.0 V Lock Batter adapter Location: Istanbul-Turkey thanks! ergin ozturk erginozturk.com ergin.ozturk@ifs.com.tr
  25. Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and pics. 236 Hours PL Module 4K License Sony top handle w/VF Mount Viewfinder L Bracket LCD L350 w/ Cable Sony Base Plate w/ Shoulder Pad 2 x 10” 15mm Aluminum Rods Sony SxS USB2 Card Reader w/Cable Sony BC-l90 Simultaneous Charger w/ AC & 4-pin XLR Cables SKB Custom Shipping case
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