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Found 8 results

  1. Hi! My name is Pietro Brunelleschi. young dp from Italy. Recently my Eclair npr motor broke down and now I'm looking for another one in Europe while I'm trying to bring the broke one back to life. I don't know if in Europe there are lots of motors for Eclair Npr, but I know there are like 12 kind of dirrent motor compatibles that can work with her. This one down ( image ) is my current motor. This is a request of help , of motor, ( to buy if someone has one to sell ) and also of advice if someone knows something that can help me with it. Thanks to all. Pietro Brunelleschi
  2. WE WERE STOLEN BY FRENCH GUYS!!!! NOUS AVONS ETE VOLE !!!!! Here is the kit stolen: Voici le kit que l'on nous a dérobé: - 1x Kit RED Epic-M Dragon 6K sn:EPIC-M03029 - 2x REDmag 240GB comme suit: Redmag 240GB sn: 750102A4EC9D2 Redmag 240GB sn: 750102A4ECF82 - 1x Kit Cooke Speed Panchro comme suit: Cooke Panchro SerieIII PS Technik 18mm sn: 766206 Cooke Panchro SerieIII PS Technik 25mm sn: 747039 Cooke Panchro SerieII PS Technik 32mm sn: 769273 Cooke Panchro SerieII PS Technik 40mm sn: 752783 Cooke Panchro SerieII PS Technik 50mm sn: 701899 Cooke Panchro SerieII PS Technik 75mm sn: 768575 Cooke Panchro SerieII PS Technik 100mm sn: 7597932 - 1x Mattebox Redrock - 1x Follow Focus ARRI FF4 - 1x Trépied Miller Arrow 55 - 1x Moniteur TVLogic 17'' avec câbles BNC et valise - 1x Epaulière Wooden Camera - 5x Filtres ND 4x5.6 Schneider de 0.3 à 1.5 - 1x Micro Sennheiser K6P avec câbles XLR Merci de nous faire savoir si vous entendez parler de quoi que ce soit.
  3. Hi all. I'm proud to present my new showreel 2015 as a cinematographer. It tooks me time to do it but it's worth the result. I wait for you feedbacks. https://vimeo.com/106486310
  4. Hello, i sell my RED Scarlet (eligible for dragon update) : - RED Scarlet MX canon mount, ready to Dragon (430 hours) - RED Touch 5 pouces + Cable - RED Side SSD - RED Sidehandle - RED Sliding Top handle - RED Outrigger handle - REDmag 64go x 2 - RED station USB3/Firewire800 - Sound Adapter x A-Box - Top plate BERKEY SYSTEM - Bottom with 15mm rod adapter BERKEY SYSTEM - V-Lock plate adapter CINEMA OXYD - Bridge plate type TILTA - Dovetail type TILTA - Shoulder rig type TILTA - Adjustable handgrip type TILTA - Baseplate type TILTA with 19mm rod - Topplate type TILTA with 19mm - 4 x 19mm rod - 2 x 15mm rod - Flight case camera - Pelicase accessories Price : 9000 euros more informations and pictures : jchris@me.com
  5. Hi, Fishing for some information here... I am going to Lyon France around the end of the month to help a friend out with a project as his cameraman/dp, and I am hoping to travel light with just my camera and tripod, and hopefully rent on location. It's a small project and I doubt I'll be looking for much, maybe a small hmi or a few kinos or the French equivalent, things like that... I'd like to know if anyone has any experience with rental houses in France, more specifically in the Lyon area? I did a google search but didn't find much, but maybe I don't have the right vocabulary for these things in France... As a related question, is there a website or a resource that'll tell me the French lingo equivalent of various frequent film terms? Thanks! Pierre
  6. Hi Everyone! Looking for some information! I'm an Australian researching a move to Europe to study script writing. My two passions are actually script and set design and I'm looking for film schools that offer great hands on courses. I completed my undergraduate degree with a minor in film and am now looking for some further study opportunities to expand my script writing experience. It doesn't have to be a master's, just an opportunity to write and make new connections in film. Thanks for your time! Kind Regards, Adrianna
  7. I have recently been accepted to participate in the Canne Film Festival filmmaking program with Creative Minds Company. In the filmmaking program I am put into a group of fellow filmmakers and given a computer, camera, mic, and 7 days to make a film which will then be screened and judged by industry professionals. With this program I will be able to attend in the Canne Film Festival screenings, parties, and its beautiful location. Mingling with A list filmmakers and fellow students as well. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/canne-festival-funding/x/2847880 Along with my Cinematography reel https://vimeo.com/55330379 and Vimeo account Vimeo.com/capsules Thank you guys so much!
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