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Found 7 results

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbGMOc8VP4E This is the first video I shot with some proper lights I bought recently. This is a vast improvement in a lot of my other stuff, so I just wanted to post it. I have a lot to learn but this is a good step for me. Enjoy.
  2. I filmed some stuff out in the forest/trail near my house and put it to the song I Want You by Tom Waits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKkrzkroKAs Here's the rest of my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0f...Ii8Imsi-xetfaw enjoy.
  3. Just a little montage of my hometown set with the tallest man on earth singing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-3yo6l37Wc this is my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0fwLKSw8Ii8Imsi-xetfaw thanks for watching.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-3yo6l37Wc This is just a little montage of my town with The Tallest Man on Earth singing Hang Me, Oh Hang Me. This is the rest of my channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/cleanupbigfoot23 Enjoy and thanks for watching.
  5. Does a Sony F3 still make sense to people in 2015? Because have you seen on eBay lately just how cheap they're going? :-o You can pick up a Sony F3 for similar pricing to a new BMCC. The expensive SxS media puts me off, but this appears to be an easy way to avoid that expense: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/786662-REG/Sonnet_SD_SXS_E34_SDHC_Adapter_for_SxS.html For the only extra grand or so over the cost of an AF100 or FS100 it would seem like an F3 is worth it if you're looking for an older large sensor camcorder on the ultra cheap. (as I've been seriously looking into getting an AF100 for only a grand, just so I can have an "impressive" pro looking camera to impress the brides/guests and wedding shoots, with the rest of my kit being 1x GH4 + 1x GH2 + 2x GH1. I know images is all that should matter, and appearances shouldn't matter, but in real life first impressions do matter. If a few extra hundred dollars to get an AF100 over GH2 with the same image quality, then leads to more bookings, that it is money very well spent. But then this logic dangerously leads me down the path to spend even more on a Sony F3... as then I could use the F3 on serious jobs too) For context, I also own a kitted out BMPCC (that I love love) but it can look like a glorified smartphone to some people :-/ (until they see the images produced! But again, first impressions do matter and last)
  6. if there is a more appropriate forum or sub-forum for this question, please let me know. i have some documenation footage of a live performance which includes super 8 film projections (18fps) on a screen in the background. the footage was shot with a GH2 at 1080i (60i). i ingested the footage into FCP using the compressor setting for "Pro Res 422 for interlaced material". the footage looks pretty good in the timeline but there is definitely a film flicker which i'm assuming is due to the inconsistency of frame rates between the super8 projection and the frame rate of the GH2 which was capturing the performance. my question is, what can I do at this point, if anything, to correct or reduce the flicker, and what would be the best way to shoot something similar (scene that includes 18fps film projection) in the future using a GH2? thanks in advance, _jc
  7. Hello everyone, We are planning to shoot a very low budget feature film this summer and I have some questions on the camera set we will use and I hope you can help me on some of the following: 1. The 16:9 sensor on the GH2 + a 2x anamorphic adapter produces a final stretched anamorphic aspect of 3.55. Which would result in (1920x1080)*(2)= 3840x1080. Instead of doing the decompression from 2x, I want to interpret the shot as if pixels would be 1.333 or 1.4587. I know it keeps the image still a little deform but I think I like the look. Whats your technical and/or creative take on it? (SEE IMAGES BELOW) 2. We would project it on standard 2k (2048×1080) DCP cinemas and the final cut would fit into it with a 2048x858 (2.39:1) size movie. Am I right? or does it work in another way? 3. I am currently using Sedna AQ1 for max detail against anamorphic softening against big screen projection. Do you think it will hold enough? Would you sharpen in post? Whats you recommend any other hack? Given this 3 points which would be your opinion on this process? Have any of you seen any gh2 anamorphic content projected in 2k dcp? How does it stand? Thanks for your help! P.D. Anyone selling a Kowa 16-h (8z) In order not to be so limited with the 16D in lens minimum mm´s?
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