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Found 4 results

  1. Hello everyone. We are going to shoot some night scene at marketplace kinda area with shops at one side and no light source at another side. Our stock is 500T vision 3. We have cooke S4 lenses and at wide open T2 actors faces lit side is in exposure condition. What i am asking is that the almost no lit background going to be a poblem for us. What happens with the black areas. Too much grain? Of course we gonna shot some tests but i need some enlightenment for the starting point. Cengizhan
  2. Finished another camera test with my Canon Scoopic 16 (Original Model) this time I pushed 7219 +1 stop instead of +2 and shot during sunset instead of the dead of night. I rated the film stock at 800 and metered normally. Processed at the Kodak Lab in NYC - Tony was such a great help and his communication was instant anytime I reached out to him. Scanned at Metropolis Post on their Director at 2K Flat Pass ProRes 444HQ - The team at Metpost was also great to deal with and had instant communication with me and never made me wait. Turn around time was faster than expected. Color Graded with Davinci Resolve Extremely happy with both Kodak and Metropolis post definitely will be sending more work to them. Camera Serviced by Bernie at Super16Inc
  3. Hi, I am going to be shooting on 16mm in about two weeks and want to know the best and cheapest way of getting a hold of 500 ft of 16mm Kodak 500T, I have tried eBay but the cost of posting from the US to Ireland is too high, kodak uk have not responded to my request to buy direct, any advice???
  4. Hey guys, I shot this using vision3 500T in my 35mm SLR camera. It was a rehearsal for a scene. Im not the DP for this project btw. But just wanted to practice my skills. All I had was the TTL metering of my camera (reflective metering). I was having trouble getting a fast enough shutter speed due to the lack of light. the 500T can shoot at EI 1600, matter fact this shot was probably just that. Unfortunately the slow shutter speed and wide apertures I was forced to use led to a whole bunch of blurry unusable shots. How does this relate or differ from using an actual motion picture camera? I would imagine that hand held shots in movies are only achievable in well lit scenes??? BTW below is a better shot because I had more light coming in from the windows. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/91909492@N06/8690001967/" title="rehearsal by frametheory, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7043/8690001967_140bc808b7_z.jpg" width="640" height="360" alt="rehearsal"></a>
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