We are in the near stages of completing our photo/video studio near the Sullivan Square Orange Line T stop that we're planning to use as a rental space as well as for our business. We are looking for a photographer/videographer who would be interested in working out a deal to help us out with day to day operations and to man the reception desk (the reception desk as shown in the photos). We require very minimal amount of work, and while working at the desk, you may edit photos, videos or do as you more or less please. In exchange, we would provide you the use of the space to bring in your own clients and to use for your business and share some of our resources depending on the terms that we come up with. We have additional resources such as the RED Epic Dragon, Canon 1DX, 5D MK III, array of lenses, Mac Pro, and soon would be getting a recording booth with tons of audio gear. If you would like, if you acquire any customers for us, you would make a commission. Let us know if this is any interest to you, otherwise, feel free to contact us if you would like to rent out the space.
We're currently taking applicants at the moment, and if you are interested, please fill out a form here:
Applicants Form
If you are interested in using the studio space, but is not interested in working as the Studio Manager, we are currently holding tours of the place in Mid-January:
You can sign up for the event here:
Sign up for Tours
You can even book early:
Book Studios Now