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Found 3 results

  1. Roundtable 2023 Speaker Presentations | DT Heritage (heritage-digitaltransitions.com) Speaker presentation videos. Deals with archives and preservation. <><><><> Subway NYC 2016 Selection from The Americans...60 years after Frank artist's book. D.D.Teoli Jr.
  2. Hey folks, Some bad news for me this week, following a nasty bicycle crash my left thumb is broken in 3 places and so I'm going to be out of commission as a DP until January... fortunately it doesn't affect my color grading work, so I'm starting to fill my schedule with more hours at the DaVinci on film, agency and corporate work. But that means good news for others - I've decided to put my complete Sony F5/AXS-R5, FS7/Odyssey 7Q+ and A7Sii camera packages, and Leica and RED lens packages up on ShareGrid as I hate to see them sitting idle, along with our audio package, support packages, lighting and a bunch of other stuff that will just be sitting in the storeroom gathering dust. The prices are very good considering what comes in each package and ShareGrid is simple to use with really nice insurance deals for short term rentals. You can see all of the individual deals at https://sfbay.sharegrid.com/en/people/chrislayhe, and do shout if you would like to see any different recipes up there for the next three months! Chris Chris Layhe CLAi 980 30th Avenue Santa Cruz California 95062 831.419.7590 Chris@CLAi.tv
  3. Here is the Link to the Film: Hi, I shot this with a Canon 7D mkII primarily with the stock lens, to film the scenes a little quicker and better at doing some guerrilla film in the city. Although at some point, the project was to be shot on 16mm film, but that didn't happen due to time constraints. Some shots are filmed with a Panasonic AG AF-100. Some scenes were shot with the stockings at the back of the lens. However, I do not recommend unless there is a lot of testing prior to film, a lot of the footage are mushy and unusable. I changed the story multiple times to accommodate the availability of the actors, my best friends actually, and the logistics of the making the film and getting the message across. Writing out 20 pages of materials and prose really helped a lot in the formation of the film. I guess one of the major influences in this film is the camera movements and the aesthetics of music videos made in the mid 90s. Ridley Scott with the use of the step printing and the visuals of Michael Bay (not necessarily the story) Post Production took another 3 months (on and off) afterwards, with lot's of special effects and major editing and story decision. Enjoy
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