Hey Guys,
Am I a total newbie or is everyone else aware that when you dim lights the colour temperature changes? I Just bought an As Arri fresnel kit 150w, 300w, 650w & 1000w and when dimming some lights and keeping others on full they no longer match. Seems if you want to dim you'll be needing some 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 CTBs.. but i've really never heard of anyone doing that? Do cinematographers basically never use dimmers and just ND lights?
This picture http://www.photosnack.com/F8E7D87D75E/pdzne9m3 is of the 650w dimmed about 50% (left) and the 150w undimmed (right) and the difference is huge.
Love to hear your thoughts, work-arounds or what you guys do with dimming situations.