Hi guys!
I would like some advice on an upcoming small commercial project I have. I usually film narrative or documentary so I wanted to hear some suggestions about this particular corporate project.
I have to film a black speaker with a dark background with smooth movements (slider) using close-ups and some wider shots. The speaker s black and red (picture attached) so they want to empathize those colors with the use of lighting.
Like these two references:
The space where I'm filming is very wide (the picture is attached on this post). I would film at night so I don't have light coming from the windows.
I was thinking to have a back HMI 650W/1200W with a full red gel lighting the columns to create some red lines blurry in the background and then light the product with hard back light and a fill to add some detail from the front side.
- Which lights would you recommend for the product itself? A good reference too would be the iPhone 7 picture.
- What could I use to give some red vibrant elements to the light? Smoke and light it with red filters? Or talcum podwer?
Thanks for any advice.