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Found 3 results

  1. Initially intending to simply test out some Kodak 200T in my Beaulieu 4008 ZM, inspired by a longtime film collaborator of mine flying over to Greece for a visit, I eventually turned the spontaneously captured footage into a narrative - albeit experimental - short. From a cinematography standpoint, having only shot 50D in this format before, I aimed to explore whether or not the stronger 200T grain would be excessive and therefore distracting instead of flattering within the overall image aesthetic I was aiming for: otherworldly but inviting, a visualisation of an urban setting with Mediterranean elements that felt charming - but just out of reach, like the coveted vacation we hear about in the voice-over. I set out to also infuse the piece with certain fashion-film elements too, since I could see myself wanting to shoot this kind of work down the line, hence the Narrator’s vibrant, silky outfits on which I leaned on, in conjunction with the locations and light, to add a sense of glamour & elegance. The material was processed and scanned by Mutascan (now Helscan) and delivered as flat 4K ProRes 4444 files, which I then white balanced manually (because I shot without an 85B filter) and graded in Davinci Resolve within an ACES timeline. I discovered that 200T has far more highlight latitude than I expected. When working on a shot of palm trees against the sun which I had accidentally shot 3 stops over after metering, as in a rush I forgot to close down the iris, all the seemingly clipped information in the sky was easily pulled back, requiring minimal correction with the HDR highlight wheel to remove a slight yellow cast. Certain shots were also stabilised after the grade using the Motion Tracking controls of After Effects and the final edit was done in Premiere. My most important discovery on the technical side of shooting Super 8, was that on a format this small, it’s a terrible idea to shoot Tungsten-balanced stock in daylight without the 85B filter, because the resulting blue-coloured grain cannot be timed out...I had actually read about it on this very forum, but I didn't realise how pronounced this coloured grain would be until I witnessed it on the scans. Regardless of this cinematographic misstep, I'm elated by how this short turned out and I'm looking forward to continuing to capture vibes from my homeland in magical Super 8!
  2. Currently, my 5008 MS is in Sweden with Björn being serviced, re-celled, and having a Angenieux 8-64mm collimated - it's a lens I'm very happy with as I've always found it to be sharper than the Schneider 6-66mm. That said, I've recently been offered a chance to buy a 10mm 1.8 retrofocus Angenieux which I've seen be compared to the Cinegon 10mm! But is it worth buying this and then paying for it to be collimated if I've already got a 8-64mm?
  3. Hi, I am selling 3 Beaulieu Cameras. 1.) Beaulieu R8 reflex control - seems like ist fully functional! - what you see is what you get! 2.) Beaulieu 4008 S - Battery Pack is included, but it needs new cells - no charger included - what you see is what you get! 3.) Beaulieu 4008 ZM2 - Battery Pack is included, but it needs new cells - no charger included -what you see is what you get! I am trying to sell these for a good price. My Uncle died and my aunt gave these cameras to me. i would love to sell them so she can use the money for a last flight from Germany in the states to visit her sister. I do not really know how much these vintage cams should cost.. i just know, that my uncle made great films using them and i´m pretty sure they are working. I don´t do films, I´m just into Photography. Please contact me with your offer. I would ship with dhl from Germany!
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