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Found 3 results

  1. The Devil's Cactus Garden, CA 1930s -1940s RPPC When I was a kid living in L.A., I'd take a day trip to the desert once in a while. I hit Twentynine Palms, Indio, Thousand Palms to take a look-see. I never appreciated the CA desert until I moved away. From what I've read, the Devil's Cactus Garden is pretty barren now. People have dug up a lot of the cactus to put in their gardens or landscapers will sell cactus to customers. I read in AZ, the authorities have put microchips in the cactus or use cameras to catch the cactus thieves. <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  2. Hello, all! We are preparing to shoot a film out in West Texas (in the middle of the desert) soon. Our concerns are primarily with the heat (temperatures are expected to be a high of 101F) and bathrooms (as we will be far away from any nearby restroom). Additionally, we will be filming with RED cameras, and have a cast/crew of roughly 15-20 people. We have it in our plan to bring tents, massive fans, and water in bulk for breaks. And, we anticipate taking a 3-4 hour break during midday (when temperatures peak). However, we will have a lead actor in a fully black, long-sleeved/long-legged costume, plus another actor in a full body armor suit (a prop robot suit). Would any one care to share some advice, given past experiences with filming in similar situations? Thanks! John
  3. I am the Cinematographer for my senior thesis class in college and our movie takes place all out in the desert. The two characters are walking at night and I was planning on using mini brutes bounced into Muslin for a side/ambient light. I was wondering what else would be good to use like source 4s to light up spots of the background? Or PAR cans hidden in the background? And should I make the back light a different color to have color contrast? The characters then find an abandoned gas station with a flickering light and I was wondering what flicker box do people usually use and get the best effect from? Thank you for all who post and read!
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