Hi there,
I postet this piece almost exactly five years ago in a very early version (it was actually more of a MIDI mockup) and now in the last few weeks I've been working on it again very intensively. The whole thing was recorded with new and – hopefully – more realistic orchestral samples and re-arranged here and there. I would be happy to get some feedback, especially on the mix or the sound in general and what could be improved. Synthetically realizing an entire orchestra on a PC is really a science in itself (at least for me) and I must honestly admit that it took me at least two to three times as long for recording and mixing in the sequencer that for the actual composition in the notation program. https://soundcloud.com/dustin-naegel/a-swashbucklers-fanfare-1
As a video with excerpts from both score and sequencer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1qQsuz7TPg
Thanks for your feedback :)
PS: Oh and if you happen to need music for your current game project (preferably action, sci-fi, fantasy, horror/mystery etc.), just let us know. ?