I am pursuing becoming a freelance cinematographer in LA and researching what I need to know in terms of taxes and insurance for being self employed in this field.
I have equipment insurance to cover my own camera and lighting package plus some extra to rent gear under 15k. The 15k rental is mostly for gear for smaller personal projects. But for paid work would it be worth it to up my equipment rental insurance or should that always be the responsibility of the production and not the DP?
Workers Comp. Is this something I need to have for myself? My friend who is a producer for commercial work says she won't hire a DP who doesn't have their own workers comp. Is this standard practice in LA?
Besides learning about taxes for being self employed is there any specific things about being a freelance Director of Photography I should be aware of or look into?
Invoices and getting paid. What are the best practices for this process?
What other expenses being self employed should I be aware of? Are there other insurances I should have?
Thank you for any advice or information. There's a lot of mixed information out there and I just want to get some real perspectives from working DPs.