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Found 25 results

  1. ARRISCOPE (Isco Optics) Anamorphic Prime Lens Set of 5 = $25,000 Overhauled / Refurbished by Duclos Lenses Includes: - 40mm T2.3 - 50mm T2.3 - 75mm T2.3 - 100mm T3.5 - 135mm T3 - Flight Case ARRI/Zeiss 27mm T1.3 Master Prime Lens = $10,000 Bausch & Lomb Super Baltar 20mm T2.3 Prime Lens = $5,000 BNCR Mount Bausch & Lomb Super Baltar 25mm T2.3 Prime Lens = $7,000 Todd-AO35 2nd Generation Anamorphic Prime Lens Set of 3 = $165,000 Overhauled / Refurbished by Duclos Lenses Includes: - 35mm T1.4 - 55mm T1.4 - 85mm T1.4 - Flight Case Todd-AO35 1st Generation Anamorphic Prime Lens Set of 5 = $275,000 Overhauled / Refurbished by Duclos Lenses Includes: - 38mm T2.3 - 50mm T2.3 - 75mm T2.2 - 100mm T3.4 - 200mm MACRO T3.5 - Flight Case Or as complete set: Todd-AO35 Anamorphic Prime Lens Set of 8 = $400,000 Overhauled / Refurbished by Duclos Lenses Includes: - 35mm T1.4 - 38mm T2.3 - 50mm T2.3 - 55mm T1.4 - 75mm T2.2 - 85mm T1.4 - 100mm T3.4 - 200mm MACRO T3.5 - Flight Cases Zeiss CP.2 Compact Primes Set of 10 = $15,000 Includes: - 15mm T2.9 - 21mm T2.9 - 25mm T2.1 - 28mm T2.1 - 35mm T2.1 - 50mm T2.1 - 50mm Macro T2.1 - 85mm T2.1 - 100mm Close Focus T2.1 - 135mm T2.1 - Flight Cases Zeiss Standard Primes Set of 8 = $30,000 Includes: - 16mm T2.1 (C.F.) - 24mm T2.1 (C.F.) - 32mm T2.1 (C.F.) - 40mm T2.1 - 50mm T2.1 - 85mm T2.1 - 100mm T2.1 - 135mm T2.1 - Flight Case Zeiss Supreme Primes Set of 7 = $110,000 Includes: - 25mm T1.5 - 29mm T1.5 - 35mm T1.5 - 50mm T1.5 - 65mm T1.5 - 85mm T1.5 - 100mm T1.5 - Flight Case
  2. REDUCED... Arri Master Prime 5 Lens Set Includes : 27/40/50/75/100mm. 85,000 US Cleaned and serviced at Panavision by Dan Sasaki. Like New Condition. Never rented. Comes with InnerSpace case.
  3. REDUCED... Arri Master Prime 5 Lens Set Includes : 27/40/50/75/100mm. 87,000 US Just Serviced. Like New Condition.
  4. REDUCED... Arri Master Prime 5 Lens Set Includes ; 27/40/50/75/100mm. 88,000 US Just Serviced. Like New Condition.
  5. Arri Master Prime Set X6 omar@raw-entertainment.com $91,000
  6. Master Prime Set X7 Can be Sold in a Set of 5 or 6- Ask for the Price Lens Report Available Escrow Service Available $110,000 New Price Omar Alarian COO / Film Producer IMDB: www.imdb.com/name/nm7440967/ Raw Entertainment www.raw-entertainment.com Email: omar@raw-entertainment.com Youtube Channel: youtube.com/c/RAWegypt Instagram: instagram.com/rawegypt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Latest Feature Film Trailer Welad Rizk: youtu.be/KbuuzxTxhP4
  7. Arri Master Prime 5 Lens Set Includes ; 27/40/50/75/100mm. 97K US Just Serviced. Like New Condition.
  8. For Sale : Arri Master Prime 5 Lens Set 27, 40, 50, 75 & 100mm Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for details.
  9. Looking For : Arri.Zeiss Master Prime T1.3 100mm Lens. Please email pricing and details to sales@broadcastsolutions.com
  10. Hello , I sure hope you; your family and friends have been able to stay healthy and safe these last few months and ready to work I know many of us are ready to get back working. I do have to share the good news from the conversations I am having with clients, the emails I am receiving and posts of various social media platforms that they are starting to get calls and production getting put back on schedule. Slowly but surely. One thing I did notice there was not a huge influx of used equipment coming in for sale. What I found was most were holding on waiting for business to get back on schedule and no interest in selling out. Very Encouraging! Below you will find some of our newest listings and you will see some Great deals and Great Savings to bring down your cost of doing business. If you see something that you have an interest in or or gear you are looking for not on this list or our website or equipment you would like to sell Call or email Coulton@newprovideo.com 843-554-7811. He is ready to make a deal! We also deal in new equipment and our prices are competitive Sony, Red, Panasonic, Teredek, Newtek, Most of the Vitec Line. Cameras Lenses & Accessories! If you are looking for Sony PXW FX9's I have those in stock ready to ship! Have a Great & Safe Day! Sincerely, Barbara Cooke T2.3 Anamorphic/i Prime Lens Set (25,32,40,50, 65MACRO 75,100, 135MM) -$154,000 Phase One XF Camera with iQ4 150MP Back -$46,000 Leica Summilux C (16, 18, 21, 25, 29, 35, 40, 50, 65, 75, 100, & 135mm)-$342,000 Arri Master Primes (18, 21, 25, 27, 35, 40, 50, 65, 75, & 100mm)--$186,000 Arri Fujinon Alura 45-250mm--$18,500 Angenieux Optimo 15-40mm T2.6 Zoom Lens--$14,900 Angenieux Optimo 28-76mm T2.6 Zoom Lens--$16,000 Angenieux Optimo 24-290mm Zoom Lens--$31,500 Angenieux Optimo 45-120mm T2.8 Zoom Lens-$15,900 Angenieux Optimo Style 16-40mm T2.8 Zoom Lens-$10,750 Canon CN-E 15.5-47mm Cinema Zoom Lens (choose PL or EF mount)--$9,250 Canon CN-E 30-300mm Cinema Zoom Lens (choose PL or EF mount)--$21,000 Canon CN-E 30-105mm Cinema Zoom Lens (choose PL or EF mount)--$7,500 Cooke 18-100mm T3.0 Zoom Lens-$11,500 WE ARE HEARING SERIOUS OFFERS ON THE FOLLOWING LENSES Zeiss CZ.2 Compact Zoom 15-30mm Zoom Lens Angenieux 25-250mm HR Zoom Lens Canon CN7 (17-120m) with Servo Canon Century 150-600mm T6.7 PL Zoom Lens TLS Super Baltars (20, 25, 35, 50, 75, 100) Leica Macrolux Diopter Set +.5, +1, & +2 Panchro/i Classic (18,25,32,40,50,75,100) Zeiss Standard Speed 10mm T2.1 Lens Zeiss Standard Speed 12mm T2.1 Lens Zeiss Standard Speed 14mm T2.1 Lens "Zeiss Super Speed (18,25,35,50,65,85) M2's " Zeiss Super Speed 35mm T1.3 Lens Leica 60mm Macro F2.8 PL Lens Leica Summicron-C Lens Set T2 (15, 18, 21, 25, 29, 35, 40, 50, 75, 100, & 135mm) Leica Thalia Full Prime Lens Set (24, 30, 35, 45, 55, 70, 100, 120, & 180mm) Canon Cinema Prime EF Lens Set (14, 24, 35, 50, 85, & 135mm) Zeiss CP.3 Compact Prime Lens Set (15, 18, 21, 25, 28, 35, 50, 85, 100, & 135mm) GL Optics Leica R Lens Set PL (19, 28, 35, 50, 80, & 135mm) Zeiss Compact Prime 18mm CP.2 Lens (choose PL or EF mount) Zeiss 35mm CP.2 Super Speed Lens (choose PL or EF mount) Zeiss 50mm CP.2 Super Speed Lens (choose PL or EF mount) Zeiss 85mm CP.2 Super Speed Lens (choose PL or EF mount) Nikkor 400mm T2.8 PL Lens Nikkor 200mm T2.0 PL Lens LEICA R 21mm F4.0 EF Mount Lens Tokina 100mm Macro T2.9 Lens Canon 16-35mm EF Zoom Lens Canon 24-105mm EF Zoom Lens Canon 70-200mm EF Zoom Lens F2.8 Canon 28-300mm EF F3.5-5.6 Zoom Lens Canon 17-40mm EF F4 Zoom Lens Sony 18-105mm F4 E-Mount Zoom Lens Sony FE 16-35mm E-Mount Zoom Lens Phase One Schneider Lens (35, 55, 80, 110, 120, & 150mm Lenses) Century Swing & Tilt PL Lens System (18, 24, 35, 55, 90, & 135mm)
  11. I'm sure most of you have seen this beauty by now. Dropped out of nowhere yesterday and set the entire Internet ablaze. First of all, do yourselves a favor and avoid watching the trailer on YouTube or any other source than Netflix itself obviously. The trailer is apparently in 4K on the platform, I watched it on a big screen and it's obviously much less compressed and much more representative. The deaging can be seen from the opening of the trailer with Pesci and De Niro and at the end of it. Looks pretty darn impressive when viewed properly on Netflix. De Niro's skin looks a bit smooth on more compressed versions, it does not on Netflix itself. Otherwise, I've been checking out a bunch of set photos to determine how much was film and digital. The producer Emma Tillinger Koskoff pulled some numbers a while ago which were incorrect for some reason, ie 30% of the film being shot on 35mm, and that everything involving the deaging required shooting digitally. However, Thelma Schoonmaker said half of the film has them deaged. So that means half Alexa (as listed on IMDB) and half 35mm film. IMDB lists the following info: Arri Alexa Mini, Zeiss Master Prime and Cooke Panchro/i Classics Lenses Arricam LT, Zeiss Master Prime and Cooke Panchro/i Classics Lenses I don't know if anyone here knows Prieto or someone else involved with the film and can provide maybe more technical info? I also saw that Prieto tested some special rigs consisting of multiple cameras at a rental house. And you can see one of the rigs on the set photos, seemed like several Red cameras which are presumably there to capture facial data for the deaging. And the Alexa which is now being regularly used by Prieto and Scorsese for low light work (Wolf, Silence). Gorgeous work as expected and a film that's been in the works for a decade, Schoonmaker and others close to the project have said it's a different animal than Goodfellas and Casino despite the obvious initial similarities. The film is opening at NYFF late September too, presumably released in November on Netflix, Scorsese has been said to make a push for a wide release of sorts with possibly an exclusive theatrical window of a few weeks.
  12. Looking for Zeiss Master Anamorphic 35 & 50mm Lenses. Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com with details.
  13. hello interested in buying set of ARRI MASTER primes. 1x Set of 5-7 Master Primes lenses (preferable metric scales, best if includes this focals - 32mm,40mm,65mm + not longer than 75mm) According to price research, price should not go over cca 16100USD/lens (if in EUROPE), or 14900USD/lens (if in USA). located in EU/Czech republic and partialy LA or OREGON. You can text/call me at +420777174155 (imessage, whatsapp), text me on facebook "Martin vonkuttenberg Klimpar" or mail me at klimpar@vonkuttenberg.com. Thanks!
  14. Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. For Sale:CINEMA LENSES:Cooke S5/i Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50/65/75/100mm Ft.Cooke S4/i Set Includes: 18/25/32/50/75/100mm Ft.Cooke Speed Panchro Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50/75/100mm TLS Cooke Speed Panchro Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50/75/100mm P&S Cooke Speed Panchro Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50mm Canon CN-E 50-1000mm Zoom PL LensCanon CN-E 14.5-60mm Zoom Lens Canon 17-120mm Cine Servo Lens Leica Summicron-C Set Includes: 18/21/25/29/35/50/75/100/135mm Leica Summicron-C Set Includes: 18/25/35/50/75/100mm Qty.-2 Sets AvailableZeiss Supreme Prime Set Includes: 25/29/35/50/85mm Qty.-2 Sets Available 1 Set Is New Zeiss Super Speed MK3 Set: 18/25/35/50/85mm(Coated But Have Uncoated Front Elements For Each Focal Length So You Can Use Either Coated Or Uncoated)NEW Zeiss Master Anamorphic 75mm LensNEW Zeiss Master Anamorphic 100mm LensNEW Flare Set For Zeiss Master Anamorphic 28mm Zeiss CP2 15mm T2.9 EF Mount Zeiss CP2 Lens Set Includes: 18/25/35/50/85mm PL & EF Mounts & CaseAngenieux Anamorphic 30-72mm Zoom Lens Angenieux Anamorphic 56-152mm Zoom LensAngenieux Optimo 24-290mm Zoom Lens Qty.-3 Available Angenieux Optimo 45-120mm Zoom Lens Angenieux Optimo 28-76mm Zoom LensAngenieux Optimo DP 30-80mm Zoom LensAngenieux Optimo DP 16-42mm Zoom Lens Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime Set Includes: 16/24/32/40/50/65/85/100mm Ft.Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime LDS Set Includes: 16/20/24/28/32/40/50/65/85/100/135mm Ft. Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime LDS Set Includes: 14/16/20/24/28/32/40/50/65/85/100/135/180mm Metric Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime Set Includes : 16/24/32/50/85mm FtArri Alura 18-80mm Zoom Lens Ft. Fujinon Cabrio 19-90mm V2 Zoom Lens Red 18-150mm T3.0 Zoom LensCAMERAS:Arri Alexa LF Camera Package Price Reduced Arri Alexa Mini Camera Package Arri Amira Camera Package Hours-250 Arri Alexa XT Studio Camera PackageArri Alexa XT Camera PackageArri Alexa Studio Camera PackageArri Alexa Plus 4:3 Camera Package Arri Alexa EV Camera Package Canon EOS C700 FF Camera Packages Qty.-2 Available Canon EOS C500 EF & PL Mount Qty.-2 AvailableSony F55 Camera PackageSony PMW-F5 w/4K upgrade Low Hours Qty.-2 Available Sony HSC 100 Camera Chains Qty.-3 Available Phantom Flex 4K 64GB Package Phantom Miro 320 Camera PackageMISCELLANEOUS: Teradek Bolt 500 Transmitter/Receiver & Accessories NEWS16/35mm FILM CAMERAS: ArriFlex SR3 High Speed Advanced Film KitArri 435 4 Perf KitArri 535 4 Perf KitArri 235 4 Perf KitAaton A-Minima KitFILM AKS:Arri SR3 24V Battery ChargerArri SR2 400' Mags Qty.-2S16 FILM LENSES:Cooke SK4 S16 Lens 6mm Cooke SK4 S16 Lens 9.5mm Cooke SK4 S16 Lens 12mm Zeiss S16 High Speed 9.5 T1.3 MKIIILooking For : (Preowned) To Purchase P&S Skater Scope KitArri Alexa Mini Packages Arri 416 Film Kits Arricam LT Film Kits Aaton Minima Kits Aaton XTR Prod Kits Panasonic AW-HE120 Qty.-2 Sony HXC-100 Qty.-8
  15. Hi guys! I just wanted to share with you my first proper car commercial! (At last! :D) We shot the car and lake scenes during one day at the end of February in a beautiful place up in the mountains in Madrid. Jota and myself wanted to shoot it there because there was snow (production value!) and the lake looked stunning so we convinced everybody to shot there! Now, Two days before shooting there was really bad weather as in a lot of wind and heavy snow all the time and the night before shooting there was rain so we thought: Well, this time we are not going to get away with this ha! But somehow we got lucky and we had really good weather (cloudy) when we wanted it and some atmospheric snow when we wanted it so we couldn't be happier. Anyways! here you go! Toyota - Conduce como piensas We shot the car and the lake scenes on Alexa + Master Primes and the rest on a bunch of other cameras, including Minidv, iPhone and Lomokina :) Lighting wise we used a M18 with chimera on the Low-loader for the car interiors and a 2 meters x 2 meters frame with a double net for the exteriors to add contrast. Hope you like it! Have a lovely day!
  16. Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. For Sale (PRE-OWNED) : CAMERAS: Arri Alexa SXT Plus Camera Package Arri Alexa SXT EV Camera Package Arri Alexa Mini Camera Package Includes License 4:3 & ArriRaw Arri Alexa XT Camera Package Arri Amira 4K Premium Camera Package Phantom Flex 4K 64GB Camera Package Sony F55 Camera Package CINEMA LENSES: Arri/Zeiss Master Prime Lens Set Includes: 18/25/35/50/75mm Canon K35 Lens Set Includes:18/24/35/55/85mm Cooke Panchro Lens Set Includes:18/25/32/40/50/75mm Cooke S4/i Mini Lens Set Includes:18/25/32/50/75/100mm Angenieux Optimo 17-80mm Zoom Lens Arri/Fuji Alura 45-250 Lens Arri/Fuji Alura 18-80 Lens Canon 17-120mm Cine-Servo Lens CAMERA SUPPORT: Qty.-2 Vinten Quartz 2 Stage Pedestals w/Vector 900 Heads CAMERA ACCESSORIES: Preston HU3 Hand Controllers Heden Motors M26VE & M21VE
  17. For Sale: Zeiss/Arriflex 28MM & 50MM Lenses have been mounted, but never used in a production environment. "New" in original boxes. The physical condition is as new and is free of scratches, cleaning marks or oil. Based on serial numbers these are from the last batch of Standard Speeds Arri made. Rare opportunity to own new vintage lenses. Format: Super 35 PL Mount 80mm Front Diameter Include front and rear caps Lenses 28 mm T* 2.1 ($5500.00) 50 mm T* 2.1 ($5500.00) PM with any questions or interest Lenses are in Los Angeles and available to see.
  18. RentMovieGear.com 501 E. Presentation St. Sioux Falls, SD 57107 605.787.1282 reuben@RentMovieGear.com Hi, my name is Reuben Isaac. I operate RentMovieGear.com based out of the Midwest USA. I focus on providing quality camera and lenses to create amazing images. This gear includes the Alexa M, Alexa Studio, and the Alexa XT PLUS as well as a set of Master Prime Lenses, the only full set of Optica Elite Anamorphic Lenses, and the Optica Elite S35 lenses. We rent our gear all over the U.S, our centralized location allows for easy shipping to L.A. and New York as well as anywhere in between. Please call me at 605.787.1282 or email me at reuben@rentmoviegear.com You can look at my price list here => goo.gl/3jLg2y
  19. Arri Master Prime 27mm T1.3 Lens Metric Scale Email : sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  20. Arri Master Prime 27mm T1.3 Lens Metric Scale Email : sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  21. Arri Master Prime 16mm T1.3 Lens Feet Scale Arri Master Prime 27mm T1.3 Lens Metric Scale For info and pics email : sales@broadcastsolutions.com
  22. Hey Guys, I've been tasked to pull focus for a short film that consists of one 12-minute Steadicam shot. The director wants to use only natural light and practicals, in addition to shooting wide open on an Arri/Zeiss Master Prime 18 mm lens. Do you guys have any suggestions on how I can achieve the best results? Thanks Sam
  23. Hey Guys, I have been recently hired to shoot a short feature and have been asked for my preference in lens selection. The director wants to shoot on Arri/Zeiss Master Primes (T1.3) on a Sony F5 camera system. Would you have any recommendations on focal lengths? In regard to the production, there will be mostly interiors with a few exterior moments, the story is very personal among the few characters involved, and the director is using Emmanel Lubezki as a primary visual influence. I was personally thinking of just a 35, 50 and 85mm set... Thanks! Sam
  24. We have a mint set of Master Primes 18,25,40,75 & 150mm with cases $89,950 bvw@vidgear.com for pic's
  25. We have a Zeiss Master Prime Set for sale 18,25,35,50,75,100 emall bvw@vidgear.com
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