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Found 5 results

  1. I recently had a couple of my Canon 814 XL-S cameras converted to Super Duper 8. I've been reading about it for some time. When you file down the left side of the gate, this exposes the area of film on the opposite side of the perforations (where the sound strip would have been). When you are looking through the viewfinder, the extra area attained through widening the gate is on the right side of the viewfinder. Why? I know it is a simple answer. But intuitively, it feels confusing. I have yet to shoot Super Duper 8. My experience is based on reading about people's experience with this format. But I have seen multiple instances of posters stating that the extra area is on the right side of the viewfinder, but you file the left side of the gate. Please help my poor little confused brain. Thanks.
  2. Hello all, this is my first post upon joining these forums. So basically I'm a bit of a DIY tinkerer whose interests in video film have skyrocketed (after buying and selling a couple I've settle on a Beaulieu 4008 TM II Super 8 and a Krasnogorsk K3 Super 16mm. However, I've recognized a new format for Super 8 called Max 8 (basically widescreen variant of Super * which is normally 1.33 near square format) and the beaulieu is a great camera for this, despite some modification must be done. I am aware that the company Pro8mm does conversions like that, but looking at the price tag I think to myself "well what can they do that I can't?" And from what I've collected the whole process goes as such more or less: removal of the 85 filter system (which I have done myself), widening of the film gate, adding template marks to the viewfinder to mark the resolution, and to recenter the lens and viewfinder to the new window. My Krasnogorsk is almost a template of what to do give or take, with most of the modifications occurring with the widened gate and re centered lens ring and viewfinder. What do you guys think; any advice?
  3. Selling my Logmar with Lens and accessories http://www.ebay.com/itm/261990245148?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Please ask questions through ebay as I check that account more frequent https://imgur.com/a/115Ly/all
  4. Our Pro8mm adapted Canon 1014 XL-S is ready for hire in the UK . We will shortly be adding details to our website, www.cinesanctuary.co.uk. If you would like more details now, please do not hesitate in contacting us. Merry Christmas Grant Bennett
  5. I'm considering adding Super-8 (MAX8) camera hire to my small format transfer company's services. The cameras would be purchased from Pro8. What I would like to know from cinematographers is what equipment they would require in a rental package. The other question is wether UK customers would require crystal sync at 24, or 25 FPS. Any thoughts and advice will be much appreciated. Grant Bennett
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