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Found 11 results

  1. For Sale : Arri 535B 3perf Movements (QTY) 2 Price : $4000,00 US Each
  2. Arri 235 2 Perf Movement (Movement Only) $16,500.00 PRICE REDUCED! Includes 2perf 2.39 (penciled format) ground glass. Installed only once by Arri Blauvelt in 2017. Light usage, owner operator not from a rental house. Includes all needed parts & instructions for trained technician to install. Comes in hard aluminum carry case. Link : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-235-2-perf-movement-movement-only/
  3. We have a Brand New Never Installed Arri 235 -2 Perf Movement for sale (2 Perf Movement Only). Price- $18,500
  4. Is it common as a cinematographer to try and position the optical system in a manner where the entrance pupil serves as the axis of rotation, in order to prevent parallax (change in perspective) during camera movements? Is this only used in VFX or would it in theory also improve the naturalism of panning camera movements in general?
  5. Hello, does anyone know of anyone or place to buy a 2 perf movement for the arricam lt? It doesn't look am camera doesn't have it and I don't know who other than them would have it so if anyone could give me an active source to pursue on that, that would be great.
  6. Hey everyone! Wanted to open up a discussion of the subliminal effects on an audience/contrasted moods that are conveyed in a push in versus a pull out. I've been thinking a lot about them lately, and of course there's the typical application of these shots opening/ending scenes in a very traditional matter. What does everyone think about these shots from a mood building and emotional point of view?
  7. Hey all, Fully aware of how long a shot this might be as I know people hold onto their movements like gold but... Just wondered if anyone might have a lead on a 3-perf movement (or 2 for that matter) for sale as a standalone? Any places or people that might steer me in the right direction are welcomed also but I have exhausted a number of channels already. Many thanks! J
  8. Hi you all :) I'm trying to figure out the exact timing of the mirror vs. the registration pins in camera using Mitchell type of movement and 170° shutter angle. My camera is a Russian made Soyuz US3N so it is not a exact copy but close enough to some mitchells. Generally, when are the reg pins supposed to engage in Mitchell movement and when they should retract compared to the mirror edge? I have to be able to time this myself every now and then because of lubricating etc. so can't ship it to a camera tech. The movement should be in factory specs so no need to adjust it, so... Are the pins supposed to engage just a tiny bit before the shutter opens so that the pins retract a moment before the shutter closes for film transport and the claws start to transport film a tiny bit before the shutter is fully closed, or... ...are they supposed to engage at the exact moment the shutter opens so that the shutter can fully close before film transport begins but the tiny moment the shutter opens may have some instability when the pins are centering the film, or... ...is the timing in the video about right? to me it looks like it is just a tiny bit off and the pins should engage just a tiny bit quicker after the shutter has passed to ensure the stability of the start of the exposure. but am I then risking instability at the end of the exposure? This is pretty difficult trial and error to time because of the wormgear like gears used in the camera but I can live with a little off timing :rolleyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BITn7xuDses I also asked this at Motion Picture Technology group on Facebook, let's see what they think... :lol:
  9. Hello, I'm Student in 3rd year in belgium. I'm working on my "final these". The subject is about dialogue in movement. I would like to know witch is for you the best dialogue scene with movement? For me by exemple, this is the opening scene of Inglourious Bastards: the interrogation around the table. There is a circular traveling and two traveling forward to go from a close up to a very close close up. These movements help to increase tension. Thx!
  10. I love the moving colorful lights here. But it's driving me crazy that I can't find out how this was accomplished. Any suggestions? http://vimeo.com/101388682
  11. Hi everyone, Lately, I came across this video on youtube about Gilles Deleuze's Film Theory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaXQdjMxG6E As the intellectual content of the video interested me a lot, it was the footage that hypnotised me with it's study of pure, simple, monumental movements, as found in the very first film experiments. (can someone confirm the date and origin of these images by the way?) Now, what I would really like to know is what it is that makes these movements so beautiful? In my view, it has something to do with the materiality of the filmprocess itself, that comes to the surface by using low frame rates and thus making the process of multiple still images turning in one moving image very touchable and visible. Now, there has to be more. I did some experiments but did not come to a feeling of movement as in these little shots. Can someone, besides a general discussion about this, tell me some technical stuff about these images? Thanks! Sander
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