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Found 11 results

  1. They called LaserDiscs, videodiscs back in the day. They also had VCD or Video Compact Disc. They were video on CD discs. Laserdisc Rot Article Video Magazine 4.87 D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive DDTJRAC Whatever discs you got, gotta keep your discs cool and out of the light. The upper disc is suffering from bronzing which caused disc rot. Light and heat causes bronzing and makes the disc unreadable. The lower disc is the same brand media and age as the top disc. It was stored in climate controlled dark storage; whereas top disc was stored in heat and light. <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  2. Hello all, So I'm messing around with shots for a film of mine, and I have a scene where a lot is revealed, emotionally (to be simple: a man shoots his brother for the crime this brother has committed). Anyways, my question is: what functions do a pull-back have in a scene? I have it storyboarded to where we have a push-in on the dead body of the brother and then we cut to a pull-back from the shooter (both are iso shots). Any suggestions/comments for this function?
  3. Hello all, As I've been expanding my crew and becoming more involved with just directing actors, I've been looking to buy an external monitor for my BMPCC so I won't have to work back and forth to check shots. My question is, do any of you guys have a suggestion for an external monitor for the Blackmagic that is under the price of $200? Thanks! John
  4. "Donnie Darko" cinematographer and ICG Local 600 President Steven Poster, ASC, will present a master class in cinematography at IFP's Made in New York Media Center in DUMBO on Saturday, November 15, 10 am to 3 pm. The film "Donnie Darko" will be screened in the morning and after lunch, Steven will present an overview of his collaboration with director Richard Kelly. Steven will also share his secrets about how to persevere and flourish in the film business. When: Saturday, November 15 10 am to 3 pm Where: IFP's Made in New York Media Center (DUMBO) 30 John Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 RSVP here. http://nymediacenter.com/events/event/?id=242651E3-8495-4F0B-A94FEC84FA3E2750&slugid=masterclass-with-steven-poster-asc-donnie-darko
  5. I've posted this scene description on several movie trivia sites as well as old movie forums and such and no one has been able to offer any information. I have an old childhood memory about a movie in which super 8 camera commercials were lampooned. I remember seeing images of this impressive looking super 8 camera that was called something like the "Hamshika Super 8". It was an impressive looking camera, kind of like a Bolex 160, if memory serves, but you saw people shooting with it and a low,husky , sexy female voice whispered the word "Capture!" all the way through the spoof commercial. The final shot in the spoof commercial scene was a crowd of people dropping their cameras en masse in a huge dumpster. I'll have to go back and look at it, but it may be a scene out of an old obscure comedy-sci fi called The Monitors, but I'm not sure. The era would be right, 1966-70 or so. Might be a British comedy, but not sure. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
  6. I am doing a shoot next month and wanna know if there are filters that are more flattering on white skin tones. If there are any gels that are complimentary as far as color please let me know! Thanks!
  7. I have recently been accepted to participate in the Canne Film Festival filmmaking program with Creative Minds Company. In the filmmaking program I am put into a group of fellow filmmakers and given a computer, camera, mic, and 7 days to make a film which will then be screened and judged by industry professionals. With this program I will be able to attend in the Canne Film Festival screenings, parties, and its beautiful location. Mingling with A list filmmakers and fellow students as well. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/canne-festival-funding/x/2847880 Along with my Cinematography reel https://vimeo.com/55330379 and Vimeo account Vimeo.com/capsules Thank you guys so much!
  8. "A young girl's message makes its way into a struggling boy's life" This is the second short film I have made, improving slowly but surely. Written and Directed by Eric Castillo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ_dT2V0URg&list=UUsTYaGYnM3BUWm49AEdmAjA&index=7
  9. The 2013 Academy Award® best picture nominees include six movies that were shot on Kodak film: Argo, Lincoln, Silver Linings Playbook, Django Unchained, Beasts of the Southern Wild, and Les Miserable. In the 84-year history of Oscar®, no Academy Award®-winning best picture has ever been made without motion picture film. "We congratulate all of the 2013 nominees for their remarkable achievements,” says Andrew Evenski, president and general manager of Kodak’s Entertainment and Commercial Films Group. “We are honored that so many talented filmmakers continue to choose Kodak technology to tell their stories and create extraordinary images.” Movies made on Kodak film received a total of 56 nominations. In the four acting categories, an overwhelming majority (16 of 20) of the nominated performances were captured on motion picture film. Additionally, three of the five nominees for best cinematography relied on Kodak film to create their compelling imagery, as did three of the five directors acknowledged in their category. Evenski also notes that Kodak is still making billions of feet of film. “Many of those reels will be loaded into cameras that are capturing movies that will contend for Academy Awards in 2014.” Kodak’s Entertainment Imaging Division is the world-class leader in providing film, digital and hybrid motion imaging products, services, and technology for the professional motion picture and exhibition industries. For more information, visit www.kodak.com/go/motion.
  10. Here is my newest short film, ’i love you & goodbye’. Photos in motion, consisting of 4,733 pictures. A relationship between a young couple, from the first I love you to the dreadful goodbye. Let me know what you think! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSqZZrmJcXQ&list=UUsTYaGYnM3BUWm49AEdmAjA Subscribe to my YouTube Channel !! http://www.youtube.com/erichasaids
  11. Here is my newest short film, ’i love you & goodbye’. Photos in motion, consisting of 4,733 pictures. A relationship between a young couple, from the first I love you to the dreadful goodbye. Let me know what you think! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSqZZrmJcXQ&list=UUsTYaGYnM3BUWm49AEdmAjA Subscribe to my YouTube Channel !! http://www.youtube.com/erichasaids
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