Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to team up again with the amazing director Jota Aronak and our wonderful production designer Carolina Vita to shoot a commercial for Red Cross for its Spanish Summer campaign produced by a Spanish production company called Sal Gorda.
We had a really tight schedule, 1 day for us to shoot across different locations in Madrid, Spain.
Luckily we found the three interiors in one house or else we wouldn't have been able to work that fast.
So, one thing that I love doing is to spend time in each location to see what the light does in that location and that's what I did for our 6 locations, once we had our locations chosen I went the following day to the 6 of them at the times that I thought that we should shoot in them and then I suggested that the schedule was created according to the lighting needs to take advantage of the natural light.
Everything but the bathroom sequence and the background of the soldier shot was shot with natural light.
As we wanted the piece to feel more real and gritier, we shot at 3200ASA with the Alexa Mini and Master Prime lenses.
We mainly used the 25mm with Glimmerglass 2 or 3 and a Soft Black Net.
Colour grading was done in El Colorado in Madrid and we only changed the contrast a bit and made a couple of power windows here and there.. 2 hours and done!
So, if you live in Spain you will be watching the commercial non-stop on tv, in all the tv stations till July 20th!
It was a really emotional project for me because I was a Red Cross volunteer when I was a kid and that made me think about all the people around the world who helps other people in different types of situations so having the opportunity to create something for them was beautiful!
Have a lovely day!! :)