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Found 2 results

  1. Hello All, I've seen a fair share of Rubbermaid mods while interning at a rental house these past few months, and I was wondering about proper procedures for modding, as well as personal favorites or any tips to be shared. I've been interning at a big rental house these past months and have seen some really cool stuff I'd like to someday apply on a rubbermaid of my own, but I'm unsure of exactly how to go about doing the mods (where to buy certain things, how to attach, etc.) The things I've been wondering are: -The best wheels/casters to buy, I usually see/hear of 8" or 10" but have no idea which brands to buy/avoid. -The layer of plywood underneath the rubbermaids. -What size/type screws/bolts to use to attach the plywood/accessories. -The little hooks used to hold sticks, what would these be called and how could I attach them? -The Various bags I see attached to rubbermaids, they all look very useful but I can never tell what brand they are. -Really any mod you believe is interesting/good enough to share! What are your favorites that you've seen? Which ones are a waste of resources? Thank You, Joseph Robinson
  2. Hello all, I've recently pulled the trigger on a camera cart as I have a shoot coming up where having one would be extremely helpful. Rather than go the route of a modified Magliner (for cost reasons at the moment) I found a great local deal on a brand new Rubbermaid 4546 cart with 8" pneumatic tires. I'm a DIY'er at heart. I love making something work for me through my own efforts. For the past few days I have been looking for a resouce as to what mods others have done with this kind of cart and I haven't find very much. I visited the Backstage Equipment site and found very few accessories for the Rubbermaid as compared to the Magliners. I understand that the Magliner and/or metal camera carts are much sturdier and modifications to these carts are not suited to my plastic cart unless I put a metal skeleton on it. Modifications I have considered are: carpeting the shelves, handle modification to make it shorter so it can fit in my car standing up, sliding drawer for tools under top shelf (which is an add on from Rubbermaid). What I'm looking for are any thoughts or experiences you all have had with these carts, any mods that are a must in your opinion or maybe even some specialty ones. Pictures would be helpful but any information I can get is awesome. Help me build the best DIY camera cart!
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