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Found 3 results

  1. I'm not a HAM, nor interested in getting a license or being a HAM. But it would be interesting to listen in on HAMS. Do they make a HAM scanner? And if so, is it easy to use? I've got a huge collection of HAM material as part of my Radio, Record, Recorder and TV Archive. So that is where my interest stems from. If you're a HAM...you know what these are...have tons of them! I've got a huge TV and radio archive. All fascinating stuff, all visuals more or less. (I don't like text much.) But I have no interest in the technical end of things. I only like visuals and easy to listen to scanners. Problem with scanning nowadays is they encrypt the conversations in the big city. Luckily for me I don't live in the big city any longer, so I get pretty good scanning material. Uniden needs to make an encryption breaker. But greedy Uniden would charge a fortune for it! Weegee was into police scanning, but he did it for his job. Back in the day we had cheap scanners that let you listen in on the cell phones and new cordless telephones. Crazy stuff you would hear. Guess scanner people are voyeurs of sorts. If Perry had an interest in radios... You've got to be of a certain nature to be a HAM. I like the photos only, not the gear and the education you need to run the gear. But the new scanners they have now can be more or less preprogrammed. All you do is enter your zip or GPS info. And if you want a little more, you send $50 to Uniden to 'unlock' certain features. For zip code programming, you just get the basics, but that is good enough for me. "Trade curses everything it handles; and though you trade in messages from heaven, the whole curse of trade attaches to the business." ~ Thoreau Car makers tried to make wire insulation out of soybean oil to save on evil crude oil. Result...rats ate the insulation off the wires! Back in the day you built your own radio or TV. Amazing stuff...never bored with seeing history! <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photograph
  2. Hi, I come here a lot for all the great information you guys dish out! But this is my first post, It's one that has been asked before, but I'm looking for a more up to date specific answer, so any help is appreciated. I'm shooting a class room scene, in the classroom there are over head fluro lights already. Our gaffer is coming with kinos, and has said, with no real confidence, "they should work". So I've been told about needing older 40w globes rather than newer 75w, and this: "a standard fluorescent fixture they will be under driven resulting in less light output and incorrect color balance. It should be about the same as running a 4ft tube in 2ft mode in a kino fixture. When under driving the bulbs they will appear more magenta than normal. " Should I be hiring some different type of bulbs for those scenes, rather than using the standard kino blubs? Will I need to balance out the color across all the blubs with gels? Will the light be diminished (I know this may be impossible to answer without actually being on set)? Would love any help or more information before we head out onto set!
  3. Hi Folks: Maybe I posted this in the wrong place. I originally posted this in the visual effects section, and I'm thinking maybe that wasn't right as this isn't a big effect like multilayering or CG animatics. I have a friend who is doing a mockumentary and he wants to use some VHS video that I shot back in the 90's of a 70's party on a single chip consumer VHS camcorder. I want to make it look like VHS from a 70's tube camera and I thought about playing it on a flat screen and shooting it on a tube camera. I did something similar with some digital video and a super 8 camera with Ektachrome and made quasi news film.I thought about doing the same here, but I really want the tube look. I want to see those comet trails on the disco ball.
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