Hi All,
I am currently writing a business report on media production and distribution specifically focusing on the emergence of technology and online platforms and was wondering if you could answer a few questions relating to this subject area?
1. How significant a role has Alan Horn played in the current shape of tent-pole cinema?
2. How would you evaluate the demise of Blockbuster?
3. How important do you anticipate online funding platforms such as Kickstarter and Indie go-go be in the future of media production and distribution?
4. How significant a role does Netflix have in comparison to other distributors and distribution methods of media content?
5. Will cinema survive the current prominence of consumers being able to downloadable content?
6. Can technological advances work in conjunction with traditional production and distribution methods?
7. Does the employment of single sensor cameras in films mean that tv and movies are now parallel to each other?
Thank you for your time.