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Caption font?

David Silverstein

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Just was wondering becuase I need for a documentry.


Repeat of question in descrip.


Whats the font they used in closed captioning and stuff like that?



David S.




There are no hard and fast rules, unless your delivering a project for a company that has a house style, so try to find a font thats not too distracting, so your captions are easy to read etc...


I work for a TV Channel in the UK (that has a house style) and we use Gill Sans, white text with a drop-shadow, on the majority of subtitled films that we broadcast. This is sometimes different to the original subtitle style on the film, but we request a clean master and do our own subtitles so we have consistancy.


I think Gill Sans is pritty good, a bit more stylish than Ariel but not too in your face. I think that a drop-shadow is better then putting them in a grey box - less distracting but still easy to read on a bright background.


Hope this helps



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