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Where the continuity ends

Alberto Díaz

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Hi people

I've been watching films and paying attention to the light continuity . And I have seen a lot of things that I hadn´t seen when I watch that film last time.

And I have seen somethings that I thought that were wrong , but now I saw it at films from good DOP. So I 'm confused. For example : A/ One man sitting in a room with windows at night. In wide shots he hasn´t got a backlight that fills his face with a line, but he has got in close -ups. So Is this right?

B/ Two men, one in front of the other : The direction of the light changes !! I mean : Man "A" shot : the back of the man "B" is lighted . Man "B" shot : now back's man "B" is dark. Is it right ? I saw this at "LOST" tv .

So, where is the limit of the light continuity?

Thank you about your patience

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Well, theres a recent post that covers this same concept in depth, I won't repeat anything said there, so you should search it and find it. Lots of good conversation on that subject. Suffice it to say that continuty ends where you decide it does. Every movie (and just about every shot) has something thats cheated a little. If you notice in films when it happens, then just add that to your understanding. If you think the cinematographer got away with bringing in a little backlight to a closer shot, then maybe you would feel more free to do the same. If you find certain elements cheated too much distract more that compliments, then you know where the freedom ends. Its all a mater of taste though, and a combination of shooting and watching films will sort of help you figure out where your line is.


Just remember that light has to be cheated a little from time to time to add mood and pressence to the photography (willful suspension of disbelief doesn't end with actors). Search the forum and find more in depth stuff.


by the way, requirement of this forum is to use your real name in your display. FYI




found the link



Edited by Michael Collier
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Thank you Michael. I think the fact is that I'm an student , so I'm paying attention to the lights when I watch a film and I always lose the argument of the film. I think a " normal " member of the audience doesn´t realize of changes like the little backlight.

Now, I think I'm ready to create my light style, I mean , nothing new but ready for definy what kind of thing s I like to do with the light.

Salud !!!

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