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Beaulieu 5008S lens alignment problems

Marty Hamrick

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I picked up a Beaulieu 5008S for a really good price.The battery is about kaput and a technician friend of mine says he thinks it's been dropped.Looking through the viewfinder,about a third of the screen is black,and when the lens is removed,it looks off center.


Anyone have a clue as to how to center it up?What tools are needed and such?

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I second that, Tony,


Hi Marty,


Björn Andersson is THE Beaulieu technician - he will fix it and send it back to you. He has serviced my 5008 MS camera, as well as my other four 4008 ZM cameras, and it is running fine (at European PAL 25 fps sync speed) now.

He also 're-cells' the standard batteries with new NiMH cells, which are much easier charge and maintain and they can be charged at any time, with no regard to how much is left in the battery, and they last longer.

It could be that the ground glass isn´t in the right place - that is probably relatively easly to fix, I should think.


Your camera will be as good as new when he is done, at a very reasonable cost.



/ Bengt in Stockholm

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