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'Haunted Britain'

Daniel Smith

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I think this is the first piece of videography I've seen from you posted on the forum, so congratulations for that.


Over all very very good. Looks the same as any of those shows like Haunted Britain, and that's a compliment since you don't work on those shows. You equaled their production value, no question. The piece looks like some thing I would see on cable TV. Again, that means it's good.


A very interesting piece to watch as well. Nice work.



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I loved your work, Danny. You really captured the gloom of the place, and drew me right in with your work. As Mark said I wasn't keen on the narration, it just seemes to lack pace, and engagement wth the viewer. I think programmes like Most Haunted use spooky music to liven the narration as well, so maybe you should use during the narration more too.


I would have been completely alright with the dark, the ghost (I do believe in ghosts), and with being deep underground. But I could absolutely NOT stand being within 50 yards of the mannequins, you're a much braver man that me!



Five Stars! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow great response, thanks. Yeh there were a lot of complaints about the narration, but even as a group we all agreed it needed much more work especially in post.



Shooting in the caves was an educational experience as it doesn't matter how much theory you know, the practicality of these things are a whole different thing. It's called an industry for a reason, it's often a case of the getting the work done and getting it out there, not faffing around on something for months on end worrying if it's good enough.


Lighting was such an issue on the day, as some bright spark managed to break the XLR powered lights leaving us with just torches, which along with the camera battery went dead quick enough in the cold conditions.


Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.







But yeh. Just thought I need to start posting more work on here.. I'm starting to come across as all talk and not much else lol Will try and post a recent studio programme I lit before christmas. (Have to get tapes back, digitise etc.)

Edited by Daniel Ashley-Smith
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