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Brainstorming - Romance scene at sunset

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Hi all,

I'm going to shoot a low budget short in which there is a "love" scene at sunset between two lovers on a bed.

Thee room in which the scene will take place is a 6x6 bedrom, with the bed on the opposite wall of the windows.

The two lovers will be lying on the bed and kissing, taken form the side of the bed.


I'm thinking about lighting it with two fresnel tungsten heads (2k?) from the windows, maybe drawing something interesting on the higher side of the frame and the background...for example some venetian blinds patterns or something similar, and getting the higher side of the room a bit darker than the rest.

I'm thinking about hard shadows and a bit of fill done with a different bounced light.

Could that be "interesting" ?

Do someone have different ideas on how to light it ?

It's an important scene and I want to be a bit "creative" on that, but right now I don't have different ideas that work.


help needed! :D



Edited by Corno Dario
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do you have a picture of the set?


How much light comes through the window during the time of day you want to shoot? will the only source be the Window? I love using unbleached muslin as diffusion for scenes like that. Will you be seeing the window in your shot? If not then I would use a 2k through the muslin as your "window" light and use the other one through a cookie to make the pattern on the wall. Make sure to match the color temp and intensity. Actually maybe not a 2k for the pattern, something a little smaller. Hard to say without seeing the set and the angle you want to see.

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First of all thanks for the answer.


The room is a square 6x6 meters room, we will see the geography of the room, but in a different scene, in this one I will not see the windows in the frame. It has two big windows on the opposite wall. The camera will be always facing the bed from the front and from the side. Imagine a lower angle (nearly the border of the bed) in one shoot from the feet of the actors and then from the side on faces, same height.


So you think it would be better to use just one light (diffused trough a light diffusion) to simulate the direct sunlight and another one, smaller, for the pattern ?

I'm planning to use two tungsten fresnels, and one bounced tungsten for a bit of base light in the room (from the ceiling ?)


Could such a setup be fine ?


Again thanks for the advice.

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ste up sounds fine. I would try the 2k(s) through UNBLEACHED MUSLIN for the "window" light. I don't know how contrasty you want the scene to be but you could try a ceiling bounce for lifting the over all ambience. I'd still use a smaller unit for the shapes on the wall. Remember that this room will heat up alot with these lights so I'd go as minimal as possible. I say Unbleached Muslin for the diffusion because of the hue it will cast, it comes off very warm and nice looking. The set up doesn't sound too crazy.

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