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Help needed in adjusting lightmeter on Bauer 715

Maurizio Di Cintio

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I'd like to shoot my next film on Ektachrome 100D using my Bauer 715 XLS. Unfortunately this camera only accepts 40 and 160 ASA (CC Filter off), therefore when using the new 100 D you have to manually override the automatic exposure about two thirds of a stop more open than indicated; this is a bit annoying so I'd like the camera to evaluate the correct aperture fully automatically. To do this I need to locate the precise trimming pot on the main board inside the camera. It's not a problem for me to open it, to set up a proper way to figure out the required compensation BUT I have to know which trimmer does what. Since there are several ones, in order to avoid messing something, I'd like someone to tell/show me which is the relevant trimmer. Thank you.

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Hey I attempted adjusting the trimmer described in the page linked above but on my camera, it doesn't work; the relevant trimmer instead is the next one (second from left).


Anyway the whole description provided me with a good starting point and now my "715" works perfectly with the Ekta 100D.


Thank you again.



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