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Why Doesn't This Work Every Time?


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I think his last statement comparing the business to cooking points to the answer; You combine the right kind of familiar ingredients, and you get a great dish (movie). But if you put in too many ingredients, or not enough and you get something people don't want to eat.


I think the most of the lesser films we see these days started out well intended, but were altered by too many chefs, or not enough cooks.

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I don't think anything works every time.


For one thing you can't control everything.

A recent example was very cold weather in the united states that kept people away from cinemas and hugely affected box office performance.


I think if they find it works some of the time they will be happy.



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Frankly I wouldn't give this guys business model the time of day. He analyzes data over 10 years? Major problem with that....the market today is not what it was in 2004, big changes have occurred. Since a movie needs at least two years to go from concept to screen the Hollywood execs have to try and guess what the market will want two years from now, sometimes longer. And since no one has a crystal ball, the task becomes impossible.


The market is very much like the ocean, always in motion and impossible to predict from day-to-day.


You might as well believe stock and currency prediction charts and buy based on those charts. Same thing.



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My point is that if stock and currency projection charts were accurate every person on the planet would be a millionaire. You just look up the stock chart on-line, buy accordingly, and you could never lose. Every trade you make would earn a profit. But of course this never happens. Sometimes you hit one right, but most of the time its a miss.



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