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405 short

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I was reading an old Rolling Stone magazine and there was a short article regarding the CG short "405"


It was released in 2000 and spread solely through email, pre-Youtube.


Did anyone hear about this when it came out? Was it actually groundbreaking as far as the independent scene went?



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I was still working at Cinefex and after spending forever downloading the thing, watched it a lot of times and wanted to cover it in the magazine, but was too 'small' for them to want to bother. I was really blown away by the quality of the execution, especially compared to a lot of the CG work in high end features at the time. I'd say in terms of vfx-oriented folk, it was probably bigger than that PANIC ATTACK! short from about a decade back (the guy who made that parlayed it into a real career, doing the EVIL DEAD remake and ROBOCOP reboot, but I don't know if the 405 folks went on to anything. )

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