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Canon 1014 AE focus oddity

Timothy K Brown

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I recently shot a reel of Vision3 50D in my Canon 1014 Autozoom Electronic, a camera I've not had long. The footage looked good except it was out of focus on the right side of the frame - but the left side was pin sharp. The problem is less noticeable at higher f numbers but still apparent

What could cause this? After finishing the cartridge I noticed some reddish dust in the camera's film gate, which I imagine is tiny bits of emulsion. Also dark splotches on the right side of the film scan which I assume is missing emulsion?

So I'm wondering if it's an issue with that particular cartridge & the film not being totally flat - I just hope it's not a problem with the lens! Or could it be something else entirely?

Anyway fingers crossed someone more knowledgeable can give me some advice. Thanks!

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