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Can we keep this site secular???

Guest Ronney Ross

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Guest Ronney Ross

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I originally posted the topic stating how I felt and there were a few responses from a couple of people who stating in their own opinons how well or "bad" they felt their thanksgiving was going. But in response to your comment (no angered in any way) but Historically secular or not Thanksgiving is something celebrating here in the United States based on the first winter that the Pilgrams who traveled from Europe in search of freedom from religious persecution to the " New land" but once here if it were not for a native american who was originally a slave that purchased his freedom back helped them to survive by showing them how to farm and basically saved their lives and this to them was a great reason to give thanks. I feel that they felt and really understood that even though this man seemed to just be in the right place and at the right time God had a hand in making this all possible.


As far as cinematography is a art and science I agree from the very first uses Edison's newfound discovery where he recorded a boxers action to his reduction of going from 40fps down to 24fos film has been used to express opinons or view's secular or religious. Even the created father of cinema D.W. Griffith recieved praise from an president (I think Roosevelt but willing to look it up.) for trying to glory the KKK as some sort of superhero by having a white actor dress in Blackface be "brought to justice" by the klan. My point here is that all areas of culture secular or religious have had their place in cinema as a statement to provoke, encourage, or spark a change. Which should aleast show that some sort of format is needed to discuss technical issues of looks for certain films. But on a personal note I feel that alot of the secular stuff is what's with people lives today.

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This thread will be shut down soon as well. Religion and politics are the best things to "debate," but the admin here doesn't have the stomach for it. So we have to stick to more exciting things like filters, depth of field, film stocks, etc etc.


FYI, Edison did not invent the motion picture system, it was done first by the Lumiere brothers of France. It's a typical American myth, much the same as Americans who believe Ford invented the automobile, Columbus discovered America, Washington cut down a cherry tree, Clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman, and Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.



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FYI, Edison did not invent the motion picture system, it was done first by the Lumiere brothers of France. It's a typical American myth, much the same as Americans who believe Ford invented the automobile, Columbus discovered America, Washington cut down a cherry tree, Clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman, and Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.



Ford did invent the auto, columbus did discover america, washington did cut a cherry tree, Clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman, depending on your definition of sex, and the whole Iraq thing, well Canada started it


Its about time everyone started giving America credit for the things others have done. (except for Iraq. I am as outraged as you are, but my taxes are paying for it.)



(BTW, that was all satire, so chill your responses a little)


Politicing has its place, religeon has its place, in cinematography you can use your religeon to come up with a 'look' to impart.


However I agree that this is neither the time or the place and since someone is footing the bill for server space to host my satire, lets leave controversy out of a forum whos purpose is to help photographers converse with other photographers on matters of cinema.

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