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  2. I mean, if you're just taking a camera in the ocean, you really shouldn't be expecting anything good, even with modern gear. As you said silhouette's would be ok, but anything else, meh. You still need light. Here in California, we have plenty of light. Just stay shallow and use a key light next to the camera. I would love to have an underwater housing for my Beaulieu to demonstrate this, but it's another hobby I don't have time or money to get into. As much as I love diving, it in of itself is very expensive and time consuming, if you do it a lot like I have. Maybe someday I can find an underwater SR kit and have some fun, they seem to be abundant.
  3. Could you please link a couple video examples of these shots you have a gripe with? I'm trying not to conflate all drone, slider, and jib shots with "video game" stuff by mistake.
  4. I know it's not what you meant but my first thought when reading the post title was about how frequently my wife and I remark to each other, "Huh...it looks like a video game" when watching a preview of whatever new fantasy action movie is coming out.
  5. One reminder about the project: These motors are preorder-only items as I cannot afford making extra ones, they have so many expensive parts in them. Additionally it would lower the quality if I would use part of the budget for extra ones so I will only make the amount ordered as lowering the quality would not be fair for other people who have paid beforehand 🙂 if wanting this motor, either the basic 2-speed or the advanced 10-speed model, please let me know this Autumn as some of the motor components are purchased and custom made all at once and it may not be possible to guarantee the original 1300/1900 prices if ordering late. payment schedule can be arranged if needed but I will likely get some of the parts made already in September or October so it is necessary to at least know if there might be extra orders later on 🙂
  6. I got a working NPR camera body here now and can start designing the final mounting plate when the brushless motor drive I have chosen arrives. I will first finish the mounting plate and get it cnc made out of anodized aluminium so that I have the basic platform to build on and can already run film tests. So I will first make the plate which connects the motor to the camera body. I will then build the control electronics into a external case, first one speed and run lots of tests with it and then starting adding speeds. I might shoot some test material with the work-in-progress electronics if the budget allows and there is time. I will then finish the bottom part of the motor when having the final electronics made so that I know the exact dimensions and shape of the circuit boards and all the features work correctly. Will post some images of the progress when having the final mounting plates made. I just got some ACL parts made out of aluminium with similar anodized finish and they looked great so I am sure the same finish works on this motor too 🙂
  7. First printing of first edition. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Philip K. Dick Illustrations by Chris Skinner 2017.
  8. Cameras have become smaller and lighter and we often use monitors instead of viewfinders—in this way the camera has become more a bodily extension. moving the camera around creates paralax in the background so can be more exciting and lively. obviously depends on the project and its use if it is actually helping or hurting the storytelling. The video game influence I see is more in the use of POV as taken from first person shooter games
  9. More Information: https://fjsinternational.com/cameras/cooke-s4i-lens-set-of-812-18-25-35-50-75-100-135mm/ Price: USD $ 109,000 FOB “Feel free to call or email and make your best offer.” info@fjsinternationalemail.com Tel. + 954-600-6659 "text or call"
  10. Whenever I would drive around the rural parts of MN, IL, OH & PA. I would always be fascinated with grain bins, silos, bailed hay and farms I'd see. I guess that is what spurred my interest in archiving AG material. But going back further, I developed an interest in gardening from watching Roger Swain on 'The Victory Garden' back in the 1980's. DDTJRAC Personally, I don't have much interest in gardening. Sure, I like to look at them, watch them on TV and all, but I don't want to have one unless someone else took care of it. Years ago, I tried some small gardens, container gardening and even guerrilla gardening. But to do gardening right you have to be a slave to the garden. And none of my guerilla gardening efforts every grew. You have to be of the right disposition to be a gardener. Same way you have to be of a certain disposition to be a good filmmaker...director...producer...casting agent and all the rest. Before WWII, they had victory gardens back in WWI. Here is a film on the WWII victory aka war garden. The Victory Garden 1944 D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive The old seed catalogs were beautiful works of art! Illustrations were all drawn and not photographed. 1919 - DDTJRAC 1896 - DDTJRAC Works of art or not, the vintage AG material makes for fascinating time capsules to look through. Some of it is highly collectable and hard to find on the cheap. But if you look around enough you can get some deals. Vintage AG selections from DDTJRAC... Even if you are not into gardening, you can be successful growing fruit trees...if you have the land. (My guerilla trees all died from the deer shredding them.) Once established, trees find their own water and are pretty self-sufficient. (In temperate climates.) If you don't want to be a slave to your fruit trees...plant disease resistant varieties. I used to help a friend out with his orchard and picked up some pointers from him. I fantasize about getting some flat land and putting up a greenhouse...to grow some fig trees! (And maybe a warm weather persimmon or two.) Fig trees and boogie boarding in the polluted Santa Monica Bay are about the only things I miss about L.A. You can grow fig trees in cold Z6, but you have to grow them in pots. Again, they require you to be a slave to them. The cold kills fig trees to the ground or altogether out here. I was raised with fig trees in L.A., so have a special affinity for fresh figs. In the Rustbelt they are $1.49 each for crappy Brown Turkey figs...if you are lucky to even find any at the greengrocer. Even though figs don't grow well out here, we get some great peaches. Red Haven peaches are superb, and the white peaches are also fantastic. I forage a little for abandoned fruit trees out here. I found some abandoned apple and European pear trees. I also found an American persimmon and some paw-paws. The paw-paws are an interesting fruit. They are something like a tropical custard apple, but not as good. There was also a nice apricot tree I would forage from years ago, but someone cut it down when they took over the property. Apricots are iffy out here due to the late spring freezes. If you got some land...plant some fruit trees! Make use of your land. And if you want to forage for abandoned fruit trees, make sure you get a fruit hrvester! fruit harvester - Google Search <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  11. More Information: https://fjsinternational.com/cameras/canon-sumire-prime-set-of-714-20-24-35-50-85-135mm-imperial/ Price: USD $ 51,000 FOB “Feel free to call or email and make your best offer.” info@fjsinternationalemail.com Tel. + 954-600-6659 "text or call"
  12. More Information: https://fjsinternational.com/cameras/arri-416-s16mm-film-camera-package/ Price: USD $ 96,000 FOB “Feel free to call or email and make your best offer.” info@fjsinternationalemail.com Tel. + 954-600-6659 "text or call"
  13. Films airing out on cookie rack Photo: D.D.Teoli Jr. Cookie racks make a good support to ventilate your films. Or you can stack them on film cores for films to breathe. If you are clumsy, drop a dowel through the center to keep the stack intact. Make some sort of wood base with a part way hole for the dowel to fit in. Snug fit and glue dowel in place. Films stacked on cores Photo: D.D.Teoli Jr. If you want to freeze a film, you have to vacuum seal it. You can buy chest freezers pretty cheap if you have lots of film that needs to be frozen. I've found with advanced VS films; you can clean with Film Renew, reverse wind and store out in the air. They don't get any worse than their current state. But I'm talking 5 - 6 years observation. I haven't stored heavily VS films 25 years out in the air. Vacuum sealed 16mm film Photo D.D.Teoli Jr.
  14. most of the older underwater stuff I have seen shot on film was either mediocre or plain bad looking. there was lots of opinions in 2000's already how video cameras are so much better for underwater, back then the top ones were F900 series gear so nothing compared to what is available today. pool stuff may be pretty OK on film but if the water is not absolutely crystal clear and the lighting perfect the film would just be bad choice for underwater I think. unless it is some kind of art piece where you are not supposed to have clear vision anyway. A typical "underwater scene" on a "normal movie" would be someone accidentally falling into water or a car splashing into water. so typically a kind of low angle silhouette towards the surface and something splashing in. that would work on film of course and very short footage amount available could do for the couple of takes of the single shot needed. Shooting other directions like sideways and downwards the contrast starts to lower very quickly and light levels vanish, so if wanting more coverage the film would already show its limits (unless again shooting in a pool with crystal clear water and controlled lighting and blasting 18k's into the water to get some base exposure)
  15. 18 “My Lord” (said Reynard) “where are all those to fight and lose themselves to keep you on the throne?” The King and Queen conferred for a moment. They decided they wanted the treasure for themselves, so forsook the procedure of the Court, and took Reynard straight to heart, hoping he would show them such obedience he would tell them where the treasure lay hid. Reynard asked, “You would hear where the treasure lay hid?” 19 “But why should I tell you, O King?” (said Fox) “Or those flatterers who would see me hanged? If I told you I’d be out of my wit!” The Queen then spake. “Nay, Reynard” (she said) “the King shall let you have your life, and let pass and dismiss from his mind all your crimes, and you shall be forgiven, and a friend to our King you shall be henceforth, if wise and true to our monarch you continue to be.” 20 Then said the Fox in answer to the Queen, “Dear Lady, if the King would have me as a friend, and forgive me all my crimes, there was never King so rich as I shall make him, for what I have as treasure can never be counted.” The King said, “My dear, should we believe this? Save your reverence. He is born to rob, steal, and to lie. All that sticks to his bones, and cannot be had out of the flesh of the Fox.” 21 The Queen answered, “Nay, my Lord, believe him. Reynard shows us rehabilitation; he is not what he was. You have heard him impeach his own father, and the Badger his nephew, with a story he might well have laid on other Beasts if he was still false, devious, and a liar.” The King answered her : “Dame, if you would have it so, and think it best to be done, then let it be done.” 22 “Let it be done” (said the King) “though I for one think this will surely hurt me in some way if I believe even a single word of Reynard the Fox. But let it be done. But I swear by my crown, if he ever after misdo and trespass, he will pay penalty for it, and all his lineage as well.” The Fox admired the King in silence for a bit, and was tickled at how things befell. 23 “My Lord” (said Reynard the Fox) “I were not wise if I should say anything to you untrue.” So the King took up a straw from the earth and pardoned Reynard, and forgave him his life of crime, and pardoned his father’s crimes, too. So if the Fox just now was merry and glad, it was no wonder; he had escaped death by hanging; he stood friendly with the King; and now was fancy-free with all of his enemies. 24 “My Lord the King and noble Lady the Queen, God grant you great worship for your kindness” (said the Fox, who then picked up his own straw) “May it please you to receive the treasure that Ermanric had. I give it with free will and acknowledge it openly.” The King received the straw, then he cheerfully tossed it away with an honest smile, and thanked Reynard the Fox, who laughed quietly to himself.
  16. if i'm not mistaken, the old PIC FA-144 catalog does also suggest that it has 3/32 ball diameter, just like the belt Steve suggested.
  17. Cookeing it again...my father, he's 86 now....
  18. https://powerdrivecomponentsinc.com/?s=gear+drive+belt https://www.wmberg.com/products/belts-and-chains/flex-e-belt/1/32gbf-144-e these may be useful
  19. very kind of you to say my friend from Oz.....good luck to ur rugby 7s team...was watching it last night!
  20. As much as I love film, I can't deny the cost of it. Often times, it is prohibitively expensive. It costs about 850 dollars for 1000ft 35mm, 12-1400 dollars per page of script when everything is factored in. As nice as s16 is, it is certainly not 35 amd is still a look. This is assuming you're shooting 10:1 ratio, which is an ok ratio for most narrative projects - ideally, 20:1 would be better. If you had complex shooting situations or long dialog scenes, you would need even more to shoot properly without cutting corners. Having done it in the past, I just don't believe in editing in camera as you're shooting.. you're really shooting yourself in the foot by being a slave to a format. You need enough coverage to have a good edited film.
  21. But that's specialty photography. I would also say that the look of "filmed" products, harkens back to an older time. So you'd WANT to shoot those underwater scenes on film to relive that look anyway. Where it's a pain, honestly if I did a film that had underwater scenes worth their salt, I would absolutely shoot on film and use the next bigger gauge up, so it wouldn't be as grainy when pushed two stops.
  22. 13 “So I brought my wife Ermelyn to help, and we rested nor night nor day while we carried away, in great effort and pain, the abundance of glittering treasure, that lay for us better in a deep hole under a Hawthorn tree. Meanwhile, while my wife and I worked so innocently, my father sat with them that would betray our noble King. Now hear you what they did that day.” 14 “Isengrim and Bruno wrote many letters, that if any would-be soldiers wanted pay, come to the Bear to earn fighting wages. My father ran all over the country delivering these letters, not privy to my robbery, and though his letters mass an army, he wasn’t worth a penny. When my father returned from all the lands ’twixt the Elbe and the Somme, he thought his news was good.” 15 “He told his fellows he’d massed an army, and how daring he’d been to choose the boroughs of the Saxon to hazard a journey, where the hunters rode after him with hounds so often he’d barely escaped with his life. When he said all this to the four false traitors, he showed them letters that pleased everyone. A full twelve hundred of Isengrim’s lineage promised to help (for a month’s wages in advance).” 16 “Joyously my father returned to the hole and his hidden treasure, to look at it. Then his sorrow began. He found the hole broken, and all his treasure taken out. So he sorrowed and bewailed his lot, and swelled with great anger; and went about haunted, ever looking for what he’d lost. Then he did what I may sorrow and bewail; in his terrible despondence he hung himself.” 17 “So now I am without a dear father; and for the rest of my days I go alone without the love of an encourager. Now hear my greatest misfortune of all : many traitors sit by the King in council, I mean Isengrim and Bruno to start; they sit by you and advise in your ear; while I, poor Reynard, have gotten no thanks that I buried my father so my King might live.”
  23. Yes, money and logistics. Sometimes heavy cameras but fully built cinema camera is heavy anyway no matter what format it shoots. The accessories just add a ton to it. Sometimes one needs to shoot digital if there is not enough light for film. But even then one could shoot some part of the movie on film by selecting scenes which benefit from it the most. Film being super expensive is not true if one makes hybrid productions which combine film and digital. But most of the people, especially those starting out, are mindlocked that there is a very specific and only way how movies can be made and they don't want to plan carefully to make hybrid production possible so they tend to make up excuses to justify their choices like "you can't shoot 100 takes of every shot if using film" or "I need to be able to grade and edit the material in an hour after it is shot so that I can be sure we didn't miss it" or they are afraid that one gate hair would ruin the entire movie, and so on 😄 film camp often claiming that all digital looks bad and makes you lazy etc. Well digital can fit some projects perfectly and sometimes it just does not make sense to shoot on film, for example if the camera needs to be very small or lab is very far away like on different continent. Stuff like underwater shots, very low light, extremely low contrast, etc just don't make much sense to shoot on film because you will need to digitally manipulate the contrast a lot and grain texture makes it really difficult, basically necessitating removing the grain, making contrast corrections and then adding digital grain to make it look like film again. especially the very low contrast uncontrollable lighting like underwater and fog with possible bright highlights every now and then makes film shooting very unfavorable as you would need to add weird gamma curves and hundreds of % of midtone contrast which would explode the grain and can actually cause solarization type of effect on grainy image if contrast change is extreme
  24. No money, that's why they shoot digital. It's really the only reason we do. If I had the money, I would shoot everything on film.
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