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Matt Serrins

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In terms of film, what do most people do for the 200ft mags on the ACL?


I don't have the access, equipment, or wherewithal to spool down from 400ft cores. Are there labs that will do this? What about kodak?


What's the verdict on the A-minima loads? From this forum, it seems like they may work (some claim they do, some don't), but maybe there are problems in low light focusing? Anyone have experience to relate?


Are 100ft daylight spools noisy in the mags?


Thanks for any advice or suggestions.


Matt Serrins

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In terms of film, what do most people do for the 200ft mags on the ACL?


I don't have the access, equipment, or wherewithal to spool down from 400ft cores. Are there labs that will do this? What about kodak?


What's the verdict on the A-minima loads? From this forum, it seems like they may work (some claim they do, some don't), but maybe there are problems in low light focusing? Anyone have experience to relate?


Are 100ft daylight spools noisy in the mags?


Thanks for any advice or suggestions.


Matt Serrins



I think that most Eclair ACL's are set up to take B-wind motion picture film. This is the type of winding that Kodak 400' cores and 100' spools have. I have a plan to send my camera to Du-All in New York in April (this is my birthday present) and ask if they can modify the back focus/flange focal depth thingy so that A-wind, A-minima film will work. If this doesn't work I plan on using Fuji 200' spool loads because I believe they are B-wind. I will grit my teeth at the sound of the spool scraping--or so people would have you believe :angry: Anyway, this link seems to suggest that Fuji sells 200' spool loads:




I know I didn't answer your question but at least I kept the thread going.

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Thanks for the reply Mike.


I talked to Forde Labs in Seattle and they will wind down 400ft loads onto 200ft cores for $5 per 400ft. It seems reasonable to assume that a number of labs will do this.


I also talked to someone who says Kodak New York sells 200ft cores that are B wind (at least in person). He's reliable, but I'd like to double check it myself.

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