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3 (the FANTASTIC number)

Chrisley Tjiputra

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He...he...he... :)

Let's have a fun time for a while!


Have you ever think about the number that is taken to be used MOSTLY by nowaday's technology?

Lets have a guest...... Yes you're right, it's number 3!

These are some of the example:

>3 CCD Camcorder

>3 LCD GrandWEGA sony plasma TV

>3 or tri-band handphone

>3 G handphone

>3 Megapixel digital camera(it's poor now)

>3 or even 30 GB memory storage

>Playstation 3 game console(coming soon)

>Xbox 360

>MPEG 3 player


And that's all I can think of...

Can somebody else think of the other 3 that u know?


Let's have a fun B)

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