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Strange shot in "Domino" (Tony Scot)

Jim Malone

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Does anyone else see the red haze in either of these photos around the people and around the bridge? Is this some sort of color correction technique or a color bleeding or what? I can't begin to figure it out. I am very curious.


Please advise.

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It's an artifact of cross-processing. The reversal film that they used on "Domino" (5285) was processed in negative chemistry rather than reversal chemistry, which is a big part of what creates the look that you see in those frame grabs and throughout the film.


Generally, the tendency is for cross-processed reversal to skew towards the green end of the spectrum, so when you correct away from the green (to get the skin tones back to something resembling people), you pick up the opposite of green, which is magenta.

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And one reason for the color streaks going only in one direction can be the movement of the film in the machines. Together with a lower speed this can lead to areas that are influenced by the development of heavily exposed areas.


During (over-) developing, parts that were exposed most will generate more chemical products (used developer and other waste products) in the proces, the movement of the film through the liquid makes that there is always one side that gets ned developer everytime and the opposite side of the exposed part will get the most used chemical components.


A similar effect can be found in paper or negative development (stills), when you dont agitate the fluid or when the fluid is only moved into one direction.

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Excellent. I knew it was shot on reversal stock, and I know what that looks like but I don't know enough about the chemical process to understand what the film/color are doing. I love the way it looks though. Tony Scotts style is unmistakable.

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