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Ghostly images in a glidecam shot

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Hi all,


I'm shooting a short film on DVX100B. There's this glidecam shot during the day that travels from the living room to the bedroom. In the bedroom, there's a kid running around but he's sort like a ghost, a fading image. If this would have been a still shot, I could just shoot two seperate scenes - one without the kid and the other with the kid - and blend them together and adjust the opacity in post. But since this is moving shot, I could never achieve the same move if I do two takes. Is green screen the only way to do it? Unfortunately, I don't have a budget to go that green screen route. :(


If anyone has any other suggestion, please help.





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What if you just had greenscreen elements in frame - like a picture frame, the top of a coffee table, the corner of the room, the TV screen, etc, and then had your kid pop into those spaces? Actually, you could incorporate greenscreen elements throughout your tracking shot and have the kid pop in all along the way.


You would need to have only one matte green item in frame at a time and use other background as a sort of "wipe" in between, but you could probably come up with a pretty interesting tracking shot that way.


Anyway, that is the best low-buck idea I can come up with)

Edited by Stuart McCammon
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