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Taking Still Pictures of fireworks

John Atala

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Hey there everybody,

I was kind of making plans towards a fireworks show thats taking place here in Rio, but it occured to me when I was film shopping. what ISO/ASA should i get, thus it is night yet bright...uff


Any experiences or camera presets that I could take advantage of, please let me know.


thanks again,


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Here are a few tips for shooting fireworks they will work for both digital or film cameras but only if you can shoot in full manual mode. A lot of the lower priced point-and-shoot cameras don't give you that option.


1. It's best if you use a tripod, you are going to be making a long exposuer too capture muli bursts.


2. Use a cable release if you have one, or you can use the camera's timed-release fuction to fire the shutter. (Both of these options are used to keep camera shake to a minimum.)


3. Use the BLUB setting on your camera if you have a camera release.


4. Use slow ISO film or set your digitial camera to it's lowest ISO setting, which on my Nikon D1's is 200 iso.


5. If you are using a digitial camera set the white balance to the 'Daylight' setting.


6. Set your lens f stop to f/11 or f/16.


7. Set your lens focus to infinity and turn your autofocus system off.


8. Don't use a lens that is longer than about 50mm, unless you really know where the fireworks are going to be in the sky.


Then just sit back and have fun.

Remember the fireworks are making the exposuer not your shutter, just keep the shutter open for a couple of seconds and you shoud get some really nice fireworks photos.


And don't forget to bring a small flashlight to check your camera settings before the event. I have forgotten my little flashlight once and it was a pain in the butt.


I have a few fireworks photos on my website that I took using the above techniques. It's www.hallimaging.com they are in the 'Editoral Photos" section.


Good luck

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