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Surplus Equipment, anyone interested?

Nate Downes

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Going through my pile of gear, I realized, man, I have way too much stuff. So, going to see if anyone here would be interested. Make me an offer if you are.



Bell and Howell 200EE magazine camera in good shape. Needs new batteries for the light meter. Has included an 80A filter.

Bell and Howell 70A Filmo (2, one is good shape, one not, I'd suggest taking them together so you have one for spare parts)

DeVry QRS, pretty good camera, sharp image. Just don't need so many cameras



Vivitar 100, good camera, but the battery terminals need work so it only works plugged into the wall at the moment. Needs a cleaning too.



A kodak 8mm that I had as a throw-in with a polaroid I did want. Needs a new solium cell and will be right as rain.

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