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It it really worth it


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WHERE did you get it that cheap????

I keep hearing of these killer deals.

I guess I'm not going to the right garage sales!



I just stumbled upon it, I got really lucky. I just wanted a solid MOS camera, and it fit the bill perfectly.


BUT, since I love all you guys (and gals), I will make you aware of an incredible bidding war going on right now on Ebay for an Aaton LTR 54 I ran across. It is Item number: 3849778680. It comes with all sorts of goodies, is super-16 converted, and I believe the current bid is for just over $2000. So over the next few days, I'm sure it will go higher, but probably nowhere near as high as the sucker would otherwise cost.


(no, I'm not the seller, I just wanted to let you all know about this thing. I'm happy with my little Arri).



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Most people on this board have experience shooting film, and like many other things in life, it's a unique experience that cannont be described in just technical terms.>>>

I really miss shooting film.There is a look and "feel" to all film formats that regardless of what you do to the video image to make it look like film,it doesn't quite get it.I shot most of my commercials and station promos on Betacam SP back in the 90's with an occasional 16mm shoot on some of the specialty promos.I remember producers agonizing over the decision of film vs.film look and when numbers were compared at the end of the day, some of the film shoots actually came out cheaper.We were shooting with classic old cameras, an Arri S, a Beaulieu R-16,Canon Scoopic and CP 16.No on argued over the value of the cameras when the film came back from the lab.>

You may notice that you've never heard anyone who's actually owned (or used extensively) say that film cameras are not what they sell for, and especially since you didn't pick $95,000 Arri's to complain about, but the cheapest of the cheap 16mm film cameras, which are unbelievable bargains!!!


My first "big" expenditure in equipment ownership was a Beaulieu R-16,which back in 1979 when I bought it was around $1700 with a 200 foot mag a 17 to 68 Angenieux zoom and syncro pilot.I retired it in 1993 after it paid for itself about 15 times over.I see the same package now for a third of that and I'm sure some other person starting out at age 19 like I did in '79 will get the same value out of that in experience alone.Can't say the same thing for any piece of video gear much over 5 years old,let alone something that dates back to the Korean War era.


To most of us on this board, hearing this is like hearing a virgin say sex is overrated.

<<You know my ex wife,Matt?



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